

Efficiency Insight - July 2021

Efficiency Insight is the Energy Efficiency Council's monthly energy management update for members, partners and stakeholders.



It has been a tough month in Sydney, which as I write is entering its third week of lockdown.

I’ve had a lot of conversations with members and partners in NSW over the last couple of weeks. What has stood out to me is the incredible resilience that has been developed over the course of this pandemic. By and large, people are just getting on with it, as best they can.

However, over time it takes its toll. As I wrote way back in March 2020, mental health is the other health impact of COVID-19. We all need to be alive to this, and remember to take care of ourselves and each other.

Beyond lockdowns, it’s been a sad month for another reason; the passing of a dear friend to the EEC, Chloe Munro AO. Chloe was a favourite at EEC events, a co-designer of our business engagement efforts, and a trusted sounding board on strategy and policy.

This relationship was not unique to the EEC though. Chloe played a huge role as an advisor and mentor to individuals and organisations right across the energy sector. She was passionate about this energy transition we’re working our way through, and she backed in people she thought were making a difference.

Her passing is a profound loss. But based on the many conversations I’ve had over the last couple of weeks, her legacy is clear, embodied in the many individuals that were lucky enough to know her and learn from her, and are determined to finish the job.


Take care out there,

Luke Menzel
Chief Executive Officer
Energy Efficiency Council

Connect with Luke on LinkedIn and follow him on Twitter.


In this newsletter:


Policy update from Rob Murray-Leach

Energy Efficiency Council Head of Policy, Rob Murray-Leach, overviews the consultations underway on energy policy issues at both the state and the federal levels, including Victoria’s process on how to decarbonise natural gas use, Victoria and NSW's jointly developed methodology for commercial and industrial hot water heat pumps and more.

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Working with Germany to supercharge progress on energy efficiency

The opportunity for collaboration on energy efficiency between Australia and Germany is huge, and was examined in a recent report written by the Energy Efficiency Council in partnership with the German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the German think tank adelphi.

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Improving energy performance in existing buildings: a global review of trends in codes and standards


Last month, the Energy Efficiency Council was pleased to host a joint webinar with the International Energy Agency’s Energy in Buildings and Communities (IEA EBC’s) Building Energy Codes Working Group (BECWG) featuring a panel of world leading experts. This webinar presented the findings of a report, commissioned by the Australian Department for Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER) as part of their contribution to the BECWG. 

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Efficiency Leader - Paul Bannister


The energy management sector is made up of many passionate professionals.

In this month’s Efficiency Leader, we are profiling Paul Bannister, Director of Innovation at DeltaQ, and winner of the Energy Efficiency Champion award at the National Energy Efficiency Awards in 2014.

Paul fills us in on his long career in energy efficiency policy and programs, what excites him about the energy world, as well as his self-admitted model railway obsession (see photo).

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Exhibit at the Energy Efficiency Expo


If you are a provider of energy efficiency technologies or services and are curious about exhibiting in this year's Energy Efficiency Expo, join the Energy Efficiency Council and Reed Exhibitions at an information webinar to hear how you can showcase your solutions and connect with potential customers at the Energy Efficiency Expo 2021, from people who have done it.

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Energy Efficiency Council members update


As we head into the new financial year, we’d like to thank all our existing members for their consistent support and commitment to our vision throughout these turbulent times, reflect on how far we’ve come over the past year, and we are delighted to welcome our newest members to our growing community.

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RACE for 2030 is proud to announce the first eight (8) scholarships for Industry PhD projects across the CRC’s research priority areas. The Industry PhD Program is engaging industry and universities to train the future workforce through practical, demand driven research projects.

These demand-driven, industry supported PhD scholarships are now open for applications in the areas of:

  • Net zero buildings
  • Customer trust in the energy sector
  • Off-grid Indigenous community microgrids
  • Green hydrogen solutions for the home
  • Smart charging for EVs
  • DER microgrids
  • Retrofitting housing stock
  • Tariffs for residential and industrial customers

A scholarship of $38,000 per year for 3 years will be provided to the successful candidate to work on the industry-identified problem with our partner Universities. An additional $3,000 per year will be available for research related expenses.

In addition to receiving a stipend scholarship, successful applications will join the first cohort of RACE postgraduate students that will grow to 55 students. A professional development program will support students in the skills to translate their research into impact in the energy sector.

There will be a lively program of engagement among industry PhD candidates, industry, and research partners and with the wider RACE stakeholders.


If you have any questions about these projects or the Industry PhD program, please contact the Industry PhD Program Coordinator Jessica Breadsell or the RACE for Everyone Program Leader Greg Morrison