

Efficiency Insight - October 2021

Efficiency Insight is the Energy Efficiency Council's monthly energy management update for members, partners and stakeholders.



The energy transition presents a huge economic opportunity for Australia – some studies forecast we could create 200,000 jobs in the energy sector over the next decade. However capturing that opportunity requires a skilled, expanding workforce that keeps up with emerging opportunities. The current skills shortages being experienced by so many EEC members underlines the importance of planning for the future energy workforce.

That's why today the Energy Efficiency Council has joined with a host of other leading peak bodies to call on governments to fund the Australian Energy and Employment Report (AEER).

This crucial new initiative would, for the first time, give us an accurate understanding of current energy sector employment, including energy efficiency and energy management jobs. This will allow industry, government and education providers to plan for the significant growth of our sector that is forecast for the coming decade. And future editions of the AEER – which we believe should be released every two years – would track the results of these efforts, and growth in energy sector jobs over time.

A compelling case for investing in the AEER was set out in a new report – Developing the future energy workforce – that was commissioned by the RACE for 2030 CRC. This research was led by University of Technology Sydney with the support of a coalition of experts including the Energy Efficiency Council, Monash University, Climate KIC and the Australian Power Institute.

It is a big early milestone for the new CRC, and underlines the important role it is playing in making the case for mission critical efforts – like the Australian Energy and Employment Report – that will give us the data we need to make this energy transition work for Australia.

All that and more in this month's newsletter. Stay safe out there.


Stay safe,

Luke Menzel
Chief Executive Officer
Energy Efficiency Council

Connect with Luke on LinkedIn and follow him on Twitter.


In this newsletter:

Policy update from Rob Murray-Leach

Energy Efficiency Council Head of Policy, Rob Murray-Leach, distils the latest news in the run up to COP26 in November, as well as the latest on the National Electricity Market (NEM), updates of energy efficiency schemes and the proposed updates to the National Construction Code (NCC).

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Developing the future energy workforce: RACE opportunity assessment released


Yesterday the RACE for 2030 Cooperative Research Centre published the opportunity assessment final report on the RACE for Everyone theme of developing the future energy workforce. The research was led by the University of Technology Sydney, in collaboration with Energy Efficiency Council and a number of other organisations.

The research addressed several fundamental questions about Australia’s energy sector and describes a critical pathway to understanding the present and future energy workforce in Australia. It considers opportunities to address the clean energy transition through the development of a workforce that underpins the sector, and the innovation pathways that can be strengthened to support growth.

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From First Fuel: 'Building science, not rocket science'

Last week, Energy Efficiency Council CEO Luke Menzel sat down with Jenny Edwards from Light House Architecture and Science and John Konstantakopoulos from Efficiency Matrix to record episode 54 of the Energy Efficiency Council podcast, First Fuel.

Both Jenny and John are leading experts in the field of air-tight building envelopes and energy performance. Understanding how to manage these key areas are crucial in delivering efficient, comfortable, healthy homes to Aussie families.

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Efficiency Leader: Dr Mary Stewart

In this month’s Efficiency Leader we are profiling Energy Efficiency Council President, Dr Mary Stewart, CEO of Energetics.

Mary is the Energy Efficiency Council's new President, CEO of Energetics, and the BINGO (business, industry, NGO) observer on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Technology Executive Committee’s Implementation taskforce.

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Energy Efficiency Expo 2021 virtual program announced


The Energy Efficiency Council is delighted to be launching the 2021 digital Energy Efficiency Expo program in partnership with Rx Global.

We are excited to announce that the Energy Efficiency Expo 2021 virtual program will be conducted across six days, for six sessions, from 19-28 October, and is free to attend.

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Stay up-to-date with EEC webinars and training


October is shaping up to be a busy month at the Energy Efficiency Council. In addition to the packed virtual program just released for the Energy Efficiency Expo, taking place across six days from 19-28 October, you can catch EEC staff as they present at a number of public webinars. Also, there are plenty of training and professional development opportunities coming up before we wrap up the year.

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