The EEC Awards are back in 2025 to recognise and celebrate excellence in energy management, electrification and demand flexibility across Australia.
The 2025 EEC Awards recognise and celebrate excellence in energy efficiency across the Australian economy. The Awards are an important annual industry event - profiling best practice in energy efficiency and helping to normalise smart energy management throughout the economy.
The Awards are delivered by the Energy Efficiency Council, Australia’s peak body for energy efficiency, energy management and demand response.
The winners will be announced and celebrated with peers at the EEC National Conference Gala Dinner featuring the 2025 EEC Awards that will take place in Sydney on 27 May 2025 as part of the EEC National Conference.
Learn how to nominate a project, read the terms and conditions and then make your nomination.
Project and/or program awards:
Individual awards:
Open awards (for a person, organisation or program):
See the winners of the 2024 EEC Awards.

EEC Award Winners 2024
Australia's energy management community gathered to celebrate 2024's best and brightest in the energy management sector.
We've been thrilled to pay tribute to organisations such as Climateworks, SwitchDin, Thermal Energy Solutions and Mac Trade Services, and individuals like Jeremy Watson who've done so much to grow their sectors over the years.
We're also delighted to celebrate the vitality of newcomers and upstarts such as Alistair Matcott, who are bringing vision from leftfield while delivering a shot of energy to sectors always in need of it.
So without further ado, this year's winners:
EEC leading energy management project: commercial
Thermal Energy Solutions and Energy Smart Water's work on the
Kooyong Port Philip Estate Winery
Kooyong and Port Phillip Estate winery are focused on sustainable winemaking and are eradicating gas usage across their facilities as well as utilising renewables for electricity. They have taken advantage of solar PV for on-site operations and implemented demand response strategies to channel excess energy into storage to be used in times of peak demand. Combined with cutting-edge commercial heat pump technology, they have harnessed the energy management potential of their site and are reaping the rewards of energy efficiency and demand response throughout their operations.
EEC leading energy management project: industrial
Hoctor Industrial Refrigeration's Industrial Ammonia Heat Pump
Retrofitting an efficient heat pump to an existing ammonia refrigeration system allowed the heat recovered from the existing system to be harnessed, significantly reducing the gas requirements to generate hot water at the site. Ensuring the needs of the industrial processes on site were met, Hoctor capitalised on existing equipment and applied it with new technology to help their client get off gas and improve their overall energy efficiency.
EEC leading energy management project: residential
Climateworks' Renovation Pathways
Climateworks Centre’s Renovation Pathways project developed a comprehensive set of clear, cost-effective ways to upgrade existing homes to be climate ready. The work covered 16 different archetypes of real Australian houses, covering around 80 per cent of houses and townhouses, showing reductions in energy bills and emissions, as well as reduced grid demand. Partnered with evidence-informed policy recommendations, the Renovation Pathways project provides a framework for all homes to become thermally efficient with all-electric efficient appliances and rooftop solar and is already having significant impact in with policy-makers.
EEC leading energy management government program
ACT Government Vulnerable Household Energy Support Scheme
The Vulnerable Household Energy Support Scheme is a commitment from the ACT Government to improve building energy efficiency for social housing and low-income owner occupiers to reduce energy hardship. The program helps with gas to electric appliance upgrades, as well as ceiling insulation upgrades in over 3800 public and community housing properties. Through this program, the ACT Government are working to deliver positive environmental, social and economic impacts for the Canberra community, including improved mental wellbeing and thermal comfort within high performing homes that deliver reduced energy bills.
EEC leading energy management innovation: Winner
Flow Power's Building Intelligent Demand Response in South Australia
To improve grid reliability as part of South Australia’s demand management trials program, Flow Power has worked with 40 businesses to develop custom demand response systems with bespoke technology, hardware and training. This has allowed sites and machines to automatically respond to market events by leveraging algorithms and site information, resulting in cost-effective demand response solutions. Flow Power’s trademark energy management technology, kWatch, enables careful balancing of supply and demand with minimal manual intervention, and has allowed them to be innovative with their solutions to improve grid reliability.
EEC leading energy management innovation: Highly Commended
SwitchDin’s Renewable Energy SaaS platform
SwitchDin is a renewable energy platform that securely communicates with and controls solar systems, batteries and loads to deliver performance intelligence and remote management capabilities. The platform has empowered clients to achieve reductions in energy use by leveraging their real-time data and optimising their consumption patterns. Their innovative demand management solutions ensures renewable energy is maximised, while reducing energy bills for clients.
EEC inclusion champion
MAC Trade Services
MAC Trade Services are committed to fostering a work environment that celebrates diversity, promotes inclusion and drives innovation. Through equitable recruitment processes, unlimited sick leave, flexible working arrangements and salary equity, MAC has been able to stand as a beacon of diversity and inclusion in the energy sector. Employees at MAC reflect a range of different backgrounds, cultures and experiences which contribute to the rich work environment they have been able to achieve.
Acknowledging the energy sector is male dominated has allowed the female-led organisation to implement targeted changes to their recruitment processes ensuring all candidates are given a fair go, regardless of where they come from or who they know. With an extremely low employee turnover rate, their passion for inclusion is made clear through employee happiness and productivity. Their inclusive practices have made sure the workplace is a community where every voice is heard and valued.
EEC energy management young champion
Alastair Matcott
Using his passion, creativity and insight, Alastair is the project manager of the Better Homes and Carbon initiative – a project focused on combining education with landlord and tenant partnerships that can lead to improvements in comfort, sustainability and cost of living pressures for renters and low-income earners. Leveraging his own experience as a renter, Alastair has been able to authentically engage with stakeholders both at the local level and nationally with various speaking opportunities, including making a huge impression at the EEC’s Energy Performance Summit last November. His determination to make a difference for low-income earners and renters has led the project to success that will continue as he expands to include more landlords and tenants and strive for better outcomes in the sector.
EEC energy management champion
Jeremy Watson
As a champion of industry excellence and safety in insulation, Jeremy Watson advocates for increased standards of quality and safety in the insulation industry. A respected member of many industry associations including Insulation Australasia, the Australian Modern Building Alliance and the Energy Efficiency Council, Jeremy donates many hours of his time to campaign work and supporting small insulation businesses by providing expert advice. He also leads the technical working group of the Affiliated Insulation Industry Coalition, ensuring other stakeholders can benefit from his extensive knowledge and experience. Jeremy exemplifies a high standard within the insulation industry with his own business, and has a passion for improving thermal performance in Australian homes.
Congratulations to all on this well-deserved recognition.
The National Energy Efficiency Awards recognise and celebrate excellence in energy efficiency, energy management and demand response across Australia.
Australia's energy management community gathered to celebrate the sector's best and brightest, which this year included beloved and much-respected names beside some incredible emerging talent. We've been thrilled to be able to pay tribute to EEC past president Tony Arnel, industry luminaries such as Jenny Edwards, and exciting young talent including Michael Berger and Dr Shama Islam.
Energy Efficiency Champion 2023
Winner: Jenny Edwards
Presented to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in advancing the energy efficiency industry, through advocacy, research, education or projects.
Jenny is the owner and Director Light House Architecture and Science, a multi-award-winning practice that integrates science into the design process to deliver efficiency, all-electric, climate-resilient homes in the Canberra region. Throughout her career, Jenny has won too many awards to list here. To call out just a few, in 2018, her own all-electric home won the national HIA GreenSmart Sustainable Home of the year, then in 2020, her all-gas to all-electric conversion and renovation project, ‘Little Loft House’ won a prestigious sustainable architecture award. Jenny is a true champion of sustainability and energy efficiency, undertaking a huge amount of free advocacy and education work to support the cause. She’s also gone a long way to proving that there is a demand for smaller, smarter, more sustainable, gas free housing.

Young Energy Efficiency Professional 2023
Winner: Michael Berger
Presented to an individual under 35 years of age, who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in advancing the energy efficiency industry, through advocacy, research, education or projects
As Head of R&D at Conserve it, Michael leads a team that research, design, prototype, and productise state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms for real-time optimisation of live equipment in the built environment, ranging from innovative chiller plant optimisation to predictive maintenance to advanced control systems. He’s leading the way on applying mathematical modelling optimisation and machine learning methods to chiller plant controls to increase energy efficiency – and regularly shares knowledge on methodology to support the industry. He’s also been leading progress towards further integration of renewable energy sources with HVAC systems, notably driving a collaboration with CSIRO and Echuca Regional Health on a CRC-P project to research and trial a model predictive controls approach to optimise the usage of on-site solar production through thermal storage and both electric, and absorption chillers. He’s spoken as an expert at conferences locally, and internationally.
Highly Commeded: Dr Shama Islam
Shama has contributed significantly in the energy sector through research and education over the last seven years. As a Senior Lecturer in Electrical Engineering at Deakin, she supports students in the areas of distributed generation, power system design, energy efficiency and demand management. Shama has also been involved in a number of successful external projects and collaborated with an impressive range of external energy industry organisations. She’s a proven a leader and catalyst of change, undertaking roles such as Chair of the IEEE Power and Energy Society’s Victorian Chapter, and acting as their Women in Power coordinator – championing the participation of female engineers in the organisation. She is regularly invited as an expert speaker to conferences around Australia.

Energy Efficiency Council Life Fellow 2023
Winner: Tony Arnel
For significant contributions to the development and advancement of the Energy Efficiency Council.
Tony is a leader in sustainable planning, design and efficiency, and has tirelessly advocated for efficient buildings to reduce emissions without impacting economic growth.
Tony spent 12 years as the Victorian Building and Plumbing Industry Commissioner; was a founding Director and Chair of the Green Building Council of Australia; Chair of the World Green Building Council and, while President of the EEC, was the Global Director of Sustainability with Norman Disney & Young.
Currently Tony is an Industry Professor in the Faculty of Science Engineering and the Built Environment at Deakin University, and has chaired the Deakin University School of Engineering Advisory Board and the School of Architecture and Building Board.
Over his six years as president, the EEC increased its reputation as an influential peak body representing the interests of its members, and was increasingly recognised as a well governed, strategic and thought-leading organisation which was able to formulate and drive policy around Australia.
Tony’s outstanding contribution to the Council and its mission is undisputed, and his legacy has significantly and decisively contributed to the development of the energy management sector.
Best Innovation in Energy Management 2023
Winner: Deakin University for their Household energy optimisation tool
Recognising performance, leadership and innovation for new products that deliver improvements in energy productivity.
This tool aims to reduce residential electricity consumption by optimising the operating time of home appliances to coincide with high solar generation. The tool’s trial in Geelong demonstrated a reduction in peak energy consumption of up to 61%, and indicated that the technology pays for itself in only 14 months.
Best Commercial Building Energy Management Project 2023
Winner: Bridgeford Group for ESTA Ballarat Refurbishment
Recognising performance, leadership and innovation for commercial building energy management projects.
Bridgeford undertook a complex major upgrade of the mechanical systems at the 000 Call Centre in Ballarat, including 4-pipe heat pump chillers, reticulation pipework, new MSSB and FCUs, all designed and installed to maintain operations of this critical 24/7 call centre.
Best Industrial Energy Management Project 2023
Winner: Visy Tumut Lime Kilns project
Best Residential Energy Management Project 2023, presented in partnership with Renew:
Winner: ACT Government for introducing minimum insulation standards for rental homes
Recognising performance, leadership and innovation for residential energy management projects
Highly Commeded: Sustainability Victoria for the 7 Star Homes program
The 7 Star Homes Program works right across the building and construction supply chain. Through a mixture of rebates and building industry capability, the program supports the smooth transition to a 7-star requirement in the NCC, with a proactive approach to managing the change in Victoria.

Best agricultural Energy Management Project 2023
Winner: Alternate Energy Innovations for Wilandra Farms Irrigation project
Recognising performance, leadership and innovation for agricultural energy management projects
This dairy farm project utilised automated irrigation pumping to maximise consumption of on site solar using AEI’s SmartBox system. The end result was an almost 90% reduction in electricity consumed during the irrigation season, saving about $80,000 and cutting 15 hours a week in labour (often in the middle of the night), leading to less stress and more sleep for staff!

Leading Energy User 2023, presented in partnership with the Energy Users Association of Australia
Winner: Asahi Beverages
Leading Energy User is presented to an energy user that has demonstrated excellence in energy management at either the site or portfolio level.
Through measures including recovering waste heat from boiler flue gas, efficient equipment replacement and optimising existing processes at their Tullamarine and Abbotsford sites, Asahi reduced operating costs and saved approximately 650 tons of Co2 emissions compared with the previous year.
Integrated Clean Energy 2023, In partnership with ARENA
Winner: Veolia for the University of Sunshine Coast Project
Presented to a nominated project that has demonstrated excellence in integrating high levels of energy productivity and renewable energy at the site, portfolio, precinct or community level
At no cost to the USC, Veolia is building a sophisticated plant through a Design, Build, Own, Operate and Transfer model. The project includes a BMS control system, allowing sophisticated management of energy demand in real-time. Estimated to save $100m in utilities over its 25-year life along with over 100,000 tonnes of Co2 emissions, this project centres the university at the forefront of energy reduction and management. This project in a high-profile existing building showcases a technology solution to improve energy efficiency and electrify to remove Scope 1 emissions.
Best SME Energy Management Project 2023
Winner: Regenerate Engineering for 3 Ravens Renewable Heat Brewery Project
Awarded to SME's that drive improvements in energy management, increase retrofit opportunities, improve reliability or deliver other benefits to the grid.
With this upgrade now completed, combined energy usage at 3 Ravens’ has been reduced by almost 60%, and when production volumes increase, energy productivity improvements will mean their energy use will stabilise at a level similar to pre-upgrade, despite significantly increasing production capacity.
Best Energy Saving Program 2023
Winner: NSW Government for the Manufacturing Efficiency Funding Program
Awarded to programs that drive improvements in energy management, increase retrofit opportunities, improve reliability or deliver other benefits to the grid.
Launched in 2018, this five-year Program has supported NSW manufacturers to save energy and money through energy efficiency upgrades, and through the installation of metering and monitoring. The program included co-funding of up to $70,000 and covered up to 50% of project costs. The program included measurement and verification requirements, and at the time of evaluation, more than 180 unique manufacturing businesses in NSW were represented.
Highly Commeded: Sustainability Victoria for the 7 Star Homes program
This Scheme is a $150 million program to assist households and community organisations to make energy efficiency upgrades. It provides zero-interest loans of up to $15,000, and as the first program in the country to offer a full suite of sustainable products, it’s expected to benefit over 10,000 ACT homes throughout its five-year life.
The National Energy Efficiency Awards recognise and celebrate excellence in energy efficiency, energy management and demand response across Australia.
Presented by the Energy Efficiency Council (EEC), the National Energy Efficiency Awards 2022 were announced across the two days of the National Energy Efficiency Conference, 25-26 May 2022.
Luke Menzel, CEO of the Energy Efficiency Council, congratulated the winners.
“These people, projects and programs represent very best in residential, industrial, commercial and government efficiency and demand response in Australia. We at the EEC are always excited to be recognising world-class energy efficiency projects through the National Energy Efficiency Awards.”
The National Energy Efficiency Awards 2022 were supported by award sponsor Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and award partners Business Australia and the Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA).
Energy Efficiency Champion 2022
Winner: Ian McNicol
Presented to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in advancing the energy efficiency industry, through advocacy, research, education or projects.
Over the last decade, Ian has managed a range of projects investigating the energy efficiency upgrade potential of Victoria’s existing housing stock.
In 2016, Ian worked with consultants to develop SV’s initial Zero Net Carbon modelling tool. This led to a successful proposal for SV’s ZNC pilot program with three volume home builders. Ian is an active participant in current national discussions about whole-of-house modelling tools under the NatHERS framework.
Ian has devoted a large part of his professional career to policy development and modelling that has underpinned the success of Victorian programs. As Senior Energy Adviser, Energy Efficiency at Ian has been dubbed by his colleagues at SV the ‘grandfather of the Victorian Energy Upgrades program’ and has been involved with every residential activity in the scheme that has saved more than 35 million tonnes of emissions to date. Ian’s research has also driven energy efficiency retrofits and Sustainability Victoria’s Zero Net Carbon Homes project. Ian leads by doing, and his passion for energy data and energy efficiency is an inspiration to his colleagues.
Energy Efficiency Champion 2021
Winner: Caroline Pidcock
Presented to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in advancing the energy efficiency industry, through advocacy, research, education or projects.
Over the last three decades, Caroline has been a leading voice for development of a sustainable built environment. Caroline is passionate about the importance of architecture, biophilia and regenerative design. Caroline’s practice works to create a future which is socially just, culturally rich, and ecologically restorative. As a thought leader in sustainable architecture, Caroline is an ambassador of the Al Gore Climate Project, the chair of 1 Million Women, a movement of women and girls fighting climate change by taking practical action, a board member of Renew, and a past president of the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council.
In 2009, Caroline was awarded a scholarship to investigate "The Architecture of Zero Emissions Housing" to discover how this might impact the technical and design approaches of the practice. Extending the ideas of this research led her to the Living Building Challenge where she joined the Board, and in 2013 established and chaired the Living Future Institute Australia.
Caroline has channelled her experience into her own architecture firm in Canberra, and we are delighted to recognise Caroline’s long demonstrated passion, dedication and leadership today.Young Energy Efficiency Professional 2022
Winner: Alan Wuyi Wang
Presented to an individual under 35 years of age, who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in advancing the energy efficiency industry, through advocacy, research, education or projects
Alan is an emerging leader in the Australian energy efficiency industry, specialising in measurement and verification. Alan is a Principal Consultant with Northmore Gordon, where he has established an internal M&V team. Alan has advanced M&V practice in Victoria. He led the first M&V project to deliver Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates; pioneered the Solar VEECs solution using M&V for large-scale solar installations, and studied gas saving measures to avoid gas shortfalls. Alan is passionate about energy efficiency and the transition away from fossil fuels and works hard to build knowledge both in his professional networks, and his local community of Wyndham.
Energy Efficiency Council Life Fellow 2022
Sara Gipton
For significant contributions to the development and advancement of the Energy Efficiency Council.
Sara served as the Council’s Treasurer for nearly six years from February 2015 to October 2020. She is a passionate and recognised leader in climate change policy, carbon markets and corporate sustainability.
Sara’s previous roles include as CEO of Greenfleet, whose operations she transformed into a highly respected leader in the forest carbon abatement industry. Sara was also CEO of FSC Australia where she led the finalisation and launch of the first FSC Australian Forest Management Standard.
In her tenure as Treasurer on the Council’s Board, Sara played a crucial role in supporting the Energy Efficiency Council’s development from a fledgling organisation into the respected, well-governed and scalable entity it is today. Many of the existing governance structures on which the Council is currently building were of her design and influence. Her financial acumen, strategic insight, consistent engagement and attention to detail were invaluable to the Board and management, especially through the unprecedented crisis that the onset of the COVID-pandemic caused within and external to the Council. She also took a keen interest in the welfare of staff throughout that period, and acted as a trusted advisor and mentor for senior staff. Sara left the Council’s governance, Board and staff well-placed to build on past successes.
Sara’s outstanding contribution to the Council and its mission, especially as a non-member in a voluntary capacity, is undisputed, and her legacy is of a significant and decisive contribution to the development of the energy management sector.
Best Innovation in Energy Management 2022
Winner: Chilled Plant Water Optimisation, by Exergenics
Recognising performance, leadership and innovation for new products that deliver improvements in energy productivity.
Exergenics developed an optimisation engine that has been demonstrated to reduce chiller plant energy use by between 3.6% and 13.4%, with an average reduction of 7.1%. The optimisation engine also enables the chiller plants to deliver required cooling output while performing the most energy-intensive operations away from peak demand hours. This results in a peak demand reduction of 4.2% to 15.4%, with an average of 7.3%.
The optimisation engine is a cloud-based, API-first solution with automated processes, which lowers barriers to implementation of chilled water plant optimisation solutions. The solution will accelerate change in the sector by making portfolio-wide deployment and performance benchmarking seamless. This will also impact how engineers design and manage energy-intensive equipment such as HVAC systems through increased transparency on the operational performance of systems.
The implementation of the solution at the Queensland Children's Hospital resulted in the saving of 186,703 kilowatt-hours, equivalent to 149 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions since implementation.
Best Commercial Building Energy Management Project 2022
Winner: Beyond Net Zero, by Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre (PICAC)
Recognising performance, leadership and innovation for commercial building energy management projects.
The building uses a combination of renewable technologies, including geothermal, solar PV, and solar thermal. It is the first Australian building to use building foundation screw piles for geothermal energy generation. Passive design strategies and active systems, such as natural lighting and ventilation, in-slab hydronic heating, and evaporative cooling also help achieve the design aim.
The independent verifier, Deakin University, developed a sensor-based monitoring system for Net Zero energy accreditation, referring to the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory guideline.
PICAC achieved a substantial energy positive outcome for the monitored year, July 2020 to June 2021. It also delivered an electricity saving of 13,704 kilowatt-hours between March and June 2021 compared to the prior year as a result of careful commissioning.Best Industrial Energy Management Project 2022
Winner: Increased Heat Recovery Project, by BlueScope Steel

The project at the Western Sydney Paint Line manufacturing facility maximised heat recovery in the paint curing ovens reducing natural gas demand.
Each oven has a recycled heat damper, a natural gas burner and combustion air system to control thermal requirements. As Colorbond products are cured, volatile components are evaporated and exhausted with the waste gas. This waste gas, rich in volatile components, is combusted in a regenerative thermal oxidiser (RTO) and the waste heat absorbed and recovered via refractory media to recycle back to the curing ovens.
The project minimised exhaust flow to require less cold air input to the ovens; increased recycled hot air fan capacity with a bigger motor and variable speed drive to maintain downturn performance; and allowed the ovens and regenerative thermal oxidiser to cool to a lower standby status when the painting process was delayed. It also improved the process control system used to balance oven pressure, minimised ingress of ambient air into the ovens and optimised existing heat recovery equipment, reducing gas consumption required to maintain oven temperature.
The project saved 20 per cent of total site natural gas consumption.
Best Residential Energy Management Project 2022
Winner: Adelaide's First Efficient 10 Star Home, by Suho
Recognising performance, leadership and innovation for residential energy management projects

Adelaide's First Energy Efficient 10 Star Home demonstrates the possibilities of sustainable design and construction in the Australian residential housing market. Achieving a NatHERS 10 Star energy efficiency rating, it uses three (3) megajoules per square metre annually for heating and cooling compared to ninety-six (96) megajoules per square metre for the average newly built home in Australia.
Smart automation systems include a Tindo PV Array, Stiebel Eltron mechanical heat recovery ventilation, Beacon Commercial fans, while ABB automation empowers occupants. The home can be off grid with the integration of energy efficient appliances, a Stiebel Eltron heat pump and ABB EV Charger.
This home can build knowledge, and adoption, of more climate-friendly home. By providing data to governing bodies, CSIRO, associations, industry and community it increases understanding of the relationship between human, house and environment
Leading Energy User 2022
In partnership with the Energy Users Association of Australia
Winner: Telstra Infraco
Leading Energy User is presented to an energy user that has demonstrated excellence in energy management at either the site or portfolio level.
The Energy Reduction Program encompasses numerous projects focussing on InfraCo's largest energy source, the energy used for building services such as air conditioning, power conversion systems and lighting. This program is a major contributor to Telstra's public commitment to reduce absolute carbon emissions by at least 50 per cent by 2030, compared to 2019 levels.
The program is based on a three-phase strategy. First, inspection of assets, where air-conditioning efficiency specialists, all refrigeration mechanics, have the skills to identify and implement many optimisation opportunities while on site. Second, asset upgrades to improve energy efficiency using a Total Cost of Ownership approach. And third, monitoring closely how assets are running and how much energy they are using. This allows validation of improvements being made and to continually improve energy management.
From 1 July 2019 to 28 Feb 2022, InfraCo invested $15.3M into the program, which has delivered annual energy savings of 36,400 megawatt-hours.
Leading Energy User 2022
In partnership with the Energy Users Association of Australia
Highly Commended: Bega Cheese Ltd
Leading Energy User is presented to an energy user that has demonstrated excellence in energy management at either the site or portfolio level.
Bega's program was developed to drive energy intensity and emissions reduction across a portfolio of cheese and retail food sites. In 2018, Bega worked with Shell Energy to develop an Energy Reduction Roadmap which identified a pathway for reduced energy intensity. The program implemented submetering, connected existing and new metering to Energy Management Software, established energy intensity targets, began monthly site energy reports, identified energy efficiency opportunities, and set a plan to implement improvemnets. Bega Cheese has continued to work with Shell Energy to roll out energy efficiency projects providing significant energy, cost and emissions reductions.
They have also made improvmenets to the business' procedures in alignment with ISO50001 Energy Management System standard. The program covers six main manufacturing sites with a total energy usage of 1,920 terajoules per year. The standout site has been their Port Melbourne site which achieved a 6.8% reduction in energy usage equating to 11,274 gigajoules.
Integrated Clean Energy 2022
In partnership with ARENA
Winner: 101 Collins Street - Gas hot water plant conversion to heat pump with solar PV, by Thermal Energy Solutions and A.G. Coombs
Presented to a nominated project that has demonstrated excellence in integrating high levels of energy productivity and renewable energy at the site, portfolio, precinct or community level
This project in a high-profile existing building showcases a technology solution to improve energy efficiency and electrify to remove Scope 1 emissions. The project converted domestic hot water generation from the original building calorifiers, connected to the buildings natural gas-fired heating hot water plant, to a system featuring highly efficient commercial heat pumps, thermal storage calorifier tanks and solar PV collectors to provide off grid DC electrical energy production.
Eight kilowatts of solar PV was added to the level 55 roof. The new solar PV system provides the primary heating for the four 500-litre Enermax tanks via electric immersion heating elements.
During the initial period post final commissioning the new plant reduced energy consumption by eighty-one per cent compared to the previous plant, and reduced associated greenhouse gas emissions.
Best Energy Saving Program 2022
Winner: Small Business Energy Saver Program, by the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
Awarded to programs that drive improvements in energy management, increase retrofit opportunities, improve reliability or deliver other benefits to the grid.
Launched in March 2021, the Small Business Energy Saver Program provides financial support for up to 5,000 Victorian small businesses to undertake energy efficiency upgrades. The program provides a bonus incentive that significantly reduces the cost of upgrades delivered through the Victorian Energy Upgrades program. The program leverages organisations such as Greenhouse Alliances, Local Government and peak bodies to engage with local business and trades to promote and educate small business on energy saving opportunities. The program has been delivered as a COVID economic recovery support measure and will contribute to the Victorian Government's Interim Climate Change Targets and concludes in June 2022.
Between June 2021 and March 2022, the program provided energy efficiency upgrades to 3,600 small businesses. From the upgrades delivered to date, the program will save 8,240 megawatt-hours, 7,651 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions and $2.14 million in energy per year in conjunction with a variety of co-benefits.
Best Energy Saving Program 2022
Highly Commended: Sustainable Household Scheme, by the ACT Government's Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate
Awarded to programs that drive improvements in energy management, increase retrofit opportunities, improve reliability or deliver other benefits to the grid.
The ACT Government committed $150 million to assist households and community organisations to make energy efficiency upgrades to their homes and premises.
The Scheme provides zero-interest loans between $2,000 and $15,000 to help homeowners reduce energy use and costs, live more comfortably and future proof their homes for a changing climate.
The Scheme is the first in Australia to offer a full suite of sustainable products. It will see over 10,000 ACT homes benefit over its five-year life. Loans can be used to purchase products including rooftop solar, household battery storage, hot water heat pumps, electric stove tops, electric heating and cooling, electric vehicle chargers, and new and used electric vehicles.
The program aims to reduce living costs and support the individual wellbeing of our population. The Scheme supports human focused resilience and adaptation for climate change, economic development, affordable and clean energy, industry innovation and participation which places Canberra as a sustainable and liveable city.
The National Energy Efficiency Awards recognise and celebrate excellence in energy efficiency, energy management and demand response across Australia.
Presented by the Energy Efficiency Council (EEC) the National Energy Efficiency Awards 2020 were announced across the three days of the National Energy Efficiency Conference, 24-26 November 2020. Luke Menzel, CEO of the Energy Efficiency Council, congratulated the winners.
“These people, projects and programs represent very best in residential, industrial, commercial and government efficiency and demand response in Australia. We at the EEC are always excited to be recognising world-class energy efficiency projects through the National Energy Efficiency Awards.”
The National Energy Efficiency Awards 2020 were supported by award sponsors Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and Queensland Farmers Federation (QFF) and award partners Renew, Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) and Australian Energy Foundation (AEF).
Energy Efficiency Champion 2020
Winner: Kellie Caught
Presented to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in advancing the energy efficiency industry, through advocacy, research, education or projects.

Young Energy Efficiency Professional 2020
Winner: Siddharth Sheth
Presented to an individual under 35 years of age, who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in advancing the energy efficiency industry, through advocacy, research, education or projects
Sid leads a team of analysts and engineers as part of City FM’s Energy Centre, where has demonstrated outstanding leadership as well as a focus and dedication to individual growth and the growth of the sector.
Energy Efficiency Council Life Fellow
Stuart Macfarlane
Best Innovation in Energy Efficiency 2020
Winner: Zen Air
Recognising performance, leadership and innovation for new products that deliver improvements in energy productivity
The Zen Air device turns a compatible smartphone into a split air conditioner remote control that provides new conveniences that improve daily lifestyle, for example by integrating tailored device settings into users’ daily routines. Reduced energy demand and greater system efficiency translates into more reliable and longer-lasting air conditioning units. The ability to remotely monitor the system to check and control its operation offers additional visibility and insight. For example, users can monitor the HVAC system while on vacation or track for indoor temperature and humidity. The Zen Air product and initial software applications offer immediate energy savings of up to 30 percent and is a great example of a user friendly, accesible and effective innovation.
Best Commercial Building Energy Efficiency Project 2020
Winner: RACV Noosa Resort
Recognising performance, leadership and innovation for commercial building energy efficiency projects.
Best Agricultural Energy Efficiency Project 2020
Winner: Bundaberg Regional Irrigators Group

Highly commended: Websters Group
Best Residential Energy Efficiency Project 2020
Winner: FERN, by Steele Associates
Recognising performance, leadership and innovation for residential energy efficiency projects

Highly commended: Gillies Hall by Monash University
Leading Energy User 2020 & Intrgrated Clean Energy Award
Winner: Pernod Ricard Winemakers
Leading Energy User is presented to an energy user that has demonstrated excellence in energy management at either the site or portfolio level
Integrated Clean Energy is presented to a nominated project that has demonstrated excellence in integrating high levels of energy productivity and renewable energy at the site, portfolio, precinct or community level
Pernod Ricard have undertaken multiple efficiency projects, including the consolidation and optimisation of refrigerating plants; Sensor and LED Lighting upgrades; and Insulation for warehouse storage. They have installed 3MW of generation capacity at two Barossa Valley wineries, generating approximately 20% of the company’s annual energy usage. To meet the remaining 80% of demand Pernod Ricard has signed a Virtual Generation Agreement via Flow Power. Further, they have implemented ongoing demand response. Pernod Ricard Winemakers’ approach is a fantastic example of holistic energy strategy and innovation leveraged to meet sustainability commitments.
Best Energy Saving Program 2020
Winner: ActewAGL & ACT Government
Awarded to programs that drive improvements in energy management, increase retrofit opportunities, improve reliability or deliver other benefits to the grid.
ActewAGL introduced the Energy Efficiency Upgrade program for Public Housing in December 2018. The Program is co-funded by ActewAGL and the ACT Commissioner for Social Housing to deliver 2,200 energy efficient upgrades to public housing properties in the ACT. The Program replaces old inefficient ducted gas heaters to ducted reverse cycle, gas room heaters to room air conditioners and gas hot water to hot water heat pumps. The Program aims to improve the energy efficiency of the eligible properties through innovative products and market leading technology, all while helping vulnerable people better manage their energy usage and costs of living.
Day 1, 24 November 2020
Day 2, 25 November 2020
National Energy Efficiency Awards 2018
The National Energy Efficiency Awards recognise and celebrate excellence in energy efficiency, cogeneration and demand management across Australia.
Presented by the Energy Efficiency Council (EEC) the National Energy Efficiency Awards 2018 were announced on Monday 19 November 2018 at the Gala Dinner of the National Energy Efficiency Conference held at the Sofitel Wentworth in Sydney.
The Energy Efficiency Council congratulates all of the winners.
Best Industrial Energy Efficiency Project 2018
Winner: Orora Group - Botany Paper Mill
Highly Commended: Saputo, Genesis Now & VABOSS
Best Commercial Building Energy Efficiency Project 2018
Winner: Museums Victoria & Siemens
Under the Victorian Government’s Greener Government Building Program, Museums Victoria partnered with global technology company Siemens, to undertake a number of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability measures. Completed in 2017, the successes at Museums Victoria are already tangible: CO2 emissions have fallen by 16%; water consumption has dropped by 6%; and they have achieved a total annual energy reduction of 3,247,976 kWh.
Best Residential Energy Efficiency Project 2018
Winner: Pooled Energy
With Pooled Energy, swimming pools are continually optimised for time-of-day, time-of-year, weather, forecast, solar PV input, swimming use, water chemistry, the cost and price of power and the technical state of the Grid. Saving customers approximately 30% in their total household electricity consumption.
Highly commended: Croft Wooton Construction
Leading Energy User 2018
Winner: Target Australia
Integrated Clean Energy Award 2018
Winner: Orora Group - Botany Paper Mill
Best Innovation in Energy Efficiency 2018
Winner: MAC Energy Efficiency Group - EEIQ
Best Energy Saving Program 2018
Winner: ACT Government
Young Energy Efficiency Professional 2018
Winner: Michael Li
Michael managed the delivery of Built to Perform, an initiative led by the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council (ASBEC) and ClimateWorks Australia. Built to Perform provides an industry-led evidence base to support governments set a trajectory for tighter energy efficiency standards for buildings that rises over time.
Energy Efficiency Champion 2018
Winner: Jon Jutsen
For over 30 years, Jon has been an enthusiastic and tenacious lobbyist for our sector. From the founding of Energetics in 1984, through to his current role as Chair of the Australian Alliance for Energy Productivity, Jon has worked diligently to raise the profile of energy productivity and efficiency both nationally and internationally. Jon has played key roles in attracting funding to efficiency and productivity measures as well as promoting outcomes and the importance of addressing the demand side.
Energy Efficiency Council Fellow
Simon James
A Fellow is an individual that has made an exceptional contribution to the Energy Efficiency Council and its mission to build the market for energy efficiency products and services. Simon James was elected as the President for Energy Efficiency Council during our first conference, in 2009, and held that post until he stepped down as 2013. During his tenure as President, the EEC grew from a tiny start-up organisation to a nationally-recognised leader in the sector and the community. Under his leadership, the EEC become a highly influential and respected voice in the energy debate.
National Energy Efficiency Awards 2018, proudly supported by:
National Energy Efficiency Awards 2017
The National Energy Efficiency Awards recognise and celebrate excellence in energy efficiency, cogeneration and demand management across Australia.
Presented by the Energy Efficiency Council (EEC) and now in its sixth year, the winners of the National Energy Efficiency Awards 2017 were announced on Monday 20 November 2017 at the Gala Dinner of the National Energy Efficiency Conference held at the Pullman Melbourne Albert Park.
The Energy Efficiency Council extends warm congratulations to all of the winners.
Best Commercial Building Energy Efficiency Project - above 2,000 SQM
Winner: Melbourne Cricket Club for Enhancing energy efficiency at the MCG
Best Industrial Energy Efficiency Project
Winner: Toll Group for Toll - Nike Energy Efficiency Upgrade
Best Residential Energy Efficiency Project
Winner: Switch Your Thinking
Best ‘Smart Energy’ Project
Winner: RMIT University for RMIT University - Sustainable Urban Precincts Program
Best Innovation in Energy Efficiency
Winner: Vivid Industrial for MATRIXX® - an intelligent LED lighting platform
Best Energy Saving Program
Winner: Department Environment, Land, Water and Planning for Victorian Energy Upgrades
Highly Commended: NSW Government - Energy Saver for Business
Leading Energy User
Winner: Unitywater for Unitywater Energy Reduction Program
Young Energy Efficiency Professional 2017
Winner: Jason Harrison, Airmaster
Energy Efficiency Champion 2017
Winner: Alan Pears, RMIT
National Energy Efficiency Awards 2016
The National Energy Efficiency Awards recognise and celebrate excellence in energy efficiency, cogeneration and demand management across Australia.
Presented by the Energy Efficiency Council and now in their fifth year, the winners of the National Energy Efficiency Awards 2016 were announced on Tuesday 16 November 2016 at the Gala Dinner of the National Energy Efficiency Conference, held at the Australian Technology Park, Evelegh NSW.
The Energy Efficiency Council extends warm congratulations to all of the winners.
2016 Award Winners:
Best Industrial Energy Efficiency Project 2016
Winner: Parmalat and MINUS40 for refrigeration plant upgrade
Best Energy Efficiency Innovation 2016
Winner: enLighten Australia for Chamaeleon III
Best Energy Savings Program 2016
Winner: Sustainability Victoria for Energy Efficient Office Buildings
Best Commercial Building Energy Efficiency Project 2016
Winner: CBUS Property, Charter Hall & Knight Frank for 171 Collins St Melbourne
Highly Commended: Mirvac for Bay Centre
Leading Energy User 2016
Supported by the Energy Users Association of Australia
Winner: Woolworths for Project Enlighten
Highly Commended: Commonwealth Bank of Australia Reducing Carbon Footprint
Young Energy Efficiency Professional 2016
Winner: Leon Wurfel, Bueno Systems
Highly Commended: Grace Foo, Energy Action
Energy Efficiency Champion 2016
Winner: Louise Vickery, ARENA
National Energy Efficiency Awards 2015
The National Energy Efficiency Awards recognise and celebrate excellence in energy efficiency, cogeneration and demand management across Australia.
Delivered by the Energy Efficiency Council and presented in partnership with the Energy Users Association of Australia, the awards were presented at the gala dinner of the National Energy Efficiency Conference 2015 on 17 November at Pullman Melbourne on the Park.
The Energy Efficiency Council extends warm congratulations to all of the winners.
2015 Award Winners:
Best SME Energy Efficiency Project 2015
Winner: Ryan Meat Company and MINUS40 for commercial to industrial refrigeration upgrade
Best Residential Energy Efficiency Project 2015
Winner: CitySmart for Reduce Your Juice
Best Energy Savings Program 2015
Winner: Moreland Energy Foundation, for achievements 2000-2015
Best Demand Response Project 2015
Winner: Australian Textile Mills and EnerNOC for Technology-Enabled Critical Peak Demand Response
Best Industrial Energy Efficiency Project 2015
Winner: Tri-Tech Chemical and Genesis Now for Tri-Tech's Energy Makeover
Best Commercial Building Energy Efficiency Project 2015
Winner: Mirvac Property Trust for Sirius
Highly Commended: Frasers Property Australia for The Ponds Shopping Centre
Leading Energy User 2015
Winner: Charter Hall Group for energy efficiency in the Charter Hall Office Trust
Energy Efficiency Champion 2015
Winner: Stuart Nesbitt, Climate Change Technical Officer at Moreland City Council
The National Energy Efficiency Awards 2015 are presented in partnership with the Energy Users Association of Australia with support from NSW Office of Environment and Heritage.
Awards Partners
National Energy Efficiency Awards 2014
The winners of the National Energy Efficiency Awards 2014 were announced at the gala dinner of the National Energy Efficiency Conference 2014 on 11 November at Swissotel Sydney. The winners were:
Best Commercial Building Energy Efficiency Project 2014
Winner - Australian Technology Park and Building IQ
Best Industrial Energy Efficiency Project 2014
Winner - Primo Smallgoods and Ecosave
Highly Commended - Parmalat and Out Performers
Best Cogeneration or District Energy Project 2014
Winner - Total Construction and Frasers Property Group
Best Small-Medium Enterprise (SME) Energy Efficiency Project 2014
(in partnership with NSW Office of Environment and Heritage)
Winner - Kilsyth Basketball Centre and AGL Energy Services
Best Demand Response Project 2014
Winner - ERM Business Energy and EnerNOC
Best Energy Savings Program 2014
Winner - Energy Savings Scheme and NSW Government
Energy Efficiency Champion 2014
Winner - Paul Bannister, Energy Action
Highly Commended - Graham Bryant, Simplot
Leading Energy User 2014
Winner - Orora Ltd
Highly Commended - Simplot Australia
The Energy Efficiency Council extends warm congratulations to all award winners.
Energy Efficiency Council Industry Awards 2013
The Awards were presented at the Energy Efficiency Council's Annual Conference 2013 Gala Dinner on in Melbourne on 3rd December 2013.
The Awards winners were:
Best Commercial Building Energy Efficiency Project
Winner: Exery Australia and Quintessential Group
Project title: 87 Marsden Street, Parramatta NSW
Highly Commended: Sustainable Focus and SA Pathology
Project title: SA Pathology Retrofit
Best Industrial Energy Efficiency Project
Winner: Minus40 and Fonterra
Project title: Fonterra Wagga Wagga Refrigeration Plant Upgrade
Highly Commended: Genesis Now
Project title: Automotive Component Manufacturer Energy Efficiency Program
Best Cogeneration or District Energy Project
Winner: Qantas and GridX Power
Project title: Qantas Mascot Trigeneration Project
Leading Energy User (a joint Energy Efficiency Council and EUAA Award)
Winner: DEXUS
Highly Commended: Australia Post
Best Demand Response Project
Winner: TransGrid and EnerNOC
Project title: Transgrid Sydney Inner Metro DR Program
Best Energy Saving Program
Joint Winners:
City of Melbourne
Project title: 1200 Buildings Program
City of Sydney
Project title: Better Buildings Partnership
Energy Efficiency Leader 2013
Geoff Andrews
The Energy Efficiency Council extends warm congratulations to all award winners.
Energy Efficiency Council Industry Awards 2012
The 2012 Energy Efficiency Council Industry Awards were presented at the EEC's national conference in Sydney on 5 December 2012.
The winners were:
Best Commercial Building Energy Efficiency Project
Charlestown Square - The GPT Group / TSF Engineering
Best Industrial Energy Efficiency Project
Sino Iron Project: Combined Cycle Gas Fired Power Station - CITIC Pacific Mining
Best Cogeneration Project
AGL/Qenos Altona cogeneration project - Qenos & Altona Energy Services
Best Energy Saving Program
NABERS and the CBD Program - NSW OEH / DCCEE
Special Commendation also goes to Energy Efficiency Opportunities Program - DRET
Leadership Award
Sam Burke (Victorian Greener Government Buildings Program) - Victorian DTF
The Energy Efficiency Council extends warm congratulations to all award winners.