Energy Efficiency in Government
Why make our government buildings energy efficient?
It pays to make government buildings across Australia energy efficient.
Improving the efficiency of schools, hospitals, offices, prisons, sporting and arts facilities can:
- Reduce energy consumption and save money on energy bills, freeing up scarce government resources
- Improve working conditions for employees
- Meet community expectations and environmental targets
- Create local employment and build capacity to deliver efficiency in the private sector
- Demonstrate leadership in energy productivity, energy efficiency and sustainability
Best Practice Guide to Energy Efficiency in Government Operations
Governments can save millions of dollars by reducing their energy use. However, global and local experience shows that governments need to have a clear, whole-of-government process to make substantial improvements in energy efficiency. In 2011 the Government Property Group (GPG) and the Energy Efficiency Council (EEC) jointly developed a guidance paper that sets out the principles for successful programs to drive energy efficiency in government operations.
Download the Guidance Paper: Integrated Energy Efficiency Retrofits and Energy Performance Contracting
Case Studies
Read about successful energy efficiency projects in government buildings across Australia:
- Hornsby Shire Council (ECS)
- Penrith City Council (Siemens)
- State Library of NSW (ECS)
- South Australian Department of Transport (ECS)
- Land Centre (Honeywell)
- Royal North Shore Hospital (EES)
- Department of Public Works (EES)
- Institute of Medical & Veterinary Science (EES)
- Paramatta Justice Precinct (Schneider)
Find a Government Buildings Energy Efficiency Expert
If you're responsible for managing energy in government facilities and are seeking ways to reduce your energy usage, there are a range of specialist providers with extensive knoweldge and expertise in facility types such as offices, schools, car parks, lesiure centres and hospitals.
By working collaboratively with an expert provider with experience in governement efficiency projects together you will develop a program or project delivers lasting results.
EEC Members
Energy Efficiency Council members have significant experience of delivering projects, providing innovative technologies, high quality products and smart approaches designed to help clients in the govermnet building sector realise significant energy and financial savings.
By supporting the peak body for the sector, EEC members have also demonstrated a commitment to supporting the development of a high quality energy efficiency sector in Australia.
Click here to view EEC members with expertise in providing energy efficiency solutions for government clients.
EEC Professional Certifications
EEC Professional Certifications is an umbrella certification framework, which includes the:
- Certified Emissions Reduction Leader for Commercial Buildings;
- Certified EnMS Advisor; and
- Certified Insulation Installer.
It demonstrates the EEC’s ongoing commitment to developing the future energy and related services workforce for Australia.
Performance Measurement and Verification Analyst (PMVA)
Measurement & Verification (M&V) methods and processes are used to measure and verify energy savings a defined, disciplined and transparent way. M&V forms a vital part of any energy efficiency project or upgrade.
The EEC, in collaboration with the Efficiency Valuation Organization provides profiessional training workshops for M&V professionals in order to raise standards in M&V. The right to use the PMVA title is granted to those who demonstrate proficiency in the M&V field by passing a 4-hour written exam and meet the required academic and practical qualifications.