

Aussie leaders in energy upgrades of commercial buildings now certified 24 June 2014

The Energy Efficiency Council has announced the names of the first candidates awarded certification under a new national certification scheme.

The Energy Efficiency Certification Scheme recognises professionals that lead and manage comprehensive energy retrofits of commercial buildings. Certificates conferring the status of Certified Energy Efficiency Specialist (CEES) and Certified Energy Efficiency Leader (CEEL) were awarded at certification ceremonies in Sydney and Melbourne last week.

"The Energy Efficiency Certification Scheme is now fully operational, recognising genuine professionals in the energy efficiency sector and helping building owners and managers find quality providers" said Luke Menzel, Manager, Sector Development at the Energy Efficiency Council.

"Its worth noting the candidate pass rate in the first round was 55%, which is testament to the fact that this is a serious certification underpinned by a rigorous process. By being certified, this first group of successful candidates have demonstrated that they are on the leading edge of professionalism in the delivery of commercial building retrofits in Australia" said Luke Menzel.


The Energy Efficiency Council has also launched a new Scheme website. The website now includes a directory of certified professionals and information on comprehensive retrofits for building owners and managers.

"Certified professionals are listed on the Scheme website. This means that building owners and managers now have a straightforward way to find and contact a project leader with the knowledge and skills to manage a comprehensive energy retrofit of their building from start to finish," said Luke Menzel.


The Energy Efficiency Council is now preparing for the second round of assessments and certifications. Interested professionals can register their interest in Round Two by visiting the Scheme website.


The Energy Efficiency Certification Scheme:

  • identifies Australia's leading experts in building retrofits, helping building owners and managers find professionals they can trust; and,
  • provides a benchmark for energy efficiency professionals, allowing them to develop their knowledge and skills over time.

The Scheme's design and operation is overseen by an independent Steering Committee that includes representatives from industry, governments, the property sector and other experts.

"This Scheme is the result of a three year process of consultation and design that captured the views of industry experts, governments and the property sector. We're confident that this is the most robust scheme of its kind in the world," said Luke Menzel.