

Efficiency experts welcome National Energy Productivity Plan 04 December 2015

Energy ministers from the Australian, State and Territory governments met at the COAG Energy Council today (Friday 4 December 2015) and announced a joint ‘National Energy Productivity Plan’.

‘Energy productivity’ is the amount of income created (GDP) per unit of energy. Improving energy productivity means that we’re producing more income for less energy. Earlier this year the Australian Government announced a target to improve Australia’s energy productivity by 40 per cent between 2015 and 2030.

“The Energy Efficiency Council welcomes the release of the National Energy Productivity Plan. This Plan shows that Ministers around the country realize that energy efficiency will be critical to boost productivity, lower household bills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said Tony Arnel, President of the Energy Efficiency Council.

The National Energy Productivity Plan states that:

  • Australian businesses have already identified potential energy savings with annual financial benefits of $1.2 billion per annun
  • Households can save $590 a year by buying a more efficient air conditioner and switching to a better energy contract
  • The plan will deliver at least a quarter of the emission cuts that Australia needs to meet its 2030 greenhouse gas reduction target

“The National Energy Productivity Plan is a starting place, rather than a destination. It doesn’t announce new funded actions, but it does identify key areas where policies need to be developed. We look forward to working with governments as they develop these policies,” said Rob Murray-Leach, head of policy at the Energy Efficiency Council

The plan identifies areas for action that include:

  • Fuel efficiency standards for cars
  • Improving the efficiency of government buildings
  • Harmonising existing energy efficiency schemes; and
  • Electricity tariffs and energy market reform

The National Energy Productivity Plan can be found here.