

Industry-led roadmap introduces actions for safe and quality insulation installations 18 May 2021

Today a broad coalition of insulation, building and energy efficiency organisations released a joint Roadmap for quality control and safety in insulation installation. The roadmap sets out a series of actions to ensure that insulation is installed following best practice processes for quality control and safety.

Insulation is an essential component of a healthy, comfortable building. Adequate insulation can increase thermal comfort, lower heating and cooling bills, and reduce the prevalence of illness and death. Insulation needs to be properly installed in order to deliver its full value in both existing and new buildings.

The over 40 organisations that developed and signed this roadmap are committed to working with governments to ensure that insulation is installed properly. The roadmap includes actions that industry commits to undertake, and recommendations for actions by governments and other organisations.

The roadmap sets out actions that include:

  • Information and guidelines;
  • Training and accreditation;
  • Requirements for insulation installations supported by governments;
  • Compliance associated with new buildings and major renovations; and
  • Moving beyond an insulation-only approach.

The roadmap draws on the report Ensuring quality control and safety in insulation installation”, which was written by the Energy Efficiency Council and the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council, and was jointly funded by the Government of New South Wales, the Government of Victoria, Insulation Australasia and the Insulation Council of Australian and New Zealand.

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Katy Daily
T: 0400 029 423