Joint statement: Industry welcomes federal department initiative to count Australian energy jobs 07 March 2022
A coalition of leading industry groups have welcomed the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources’ (DISER) commitment to delivering the inaugural Australian Energy Employment Report (AEER).
In October 2021 the Energy Efficiency Council (EEC) and UTS Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF), with the support of the Australian Power Institute (API), Clean Energy Council (CEC) and Ai Group, released a RACE for 2030 report on Developing the future energy workforce that recommended the biennial release of the AEER. This recommendation has been widely backed by the energy industry.
The AEER represents global leadership, with Australia the first country to adopt the United States’ gold standard methodology for counting energy sector jobs, and to expand it to include energy management across the whole economy.
With the AEER industry and government will be able to avoid skills shortages and capture the economic opportunity as the Australian energy sector transitions to net zero.
The AEER will give a holistic view of energy jobs in both SMEs and big business, providing granular detail on employment in established areas such as fuels, generation and networks, as well as emerging areas like storage, energy efficiency, electric vehicles, hydrogen and energy management, which are all playing an increasingly crucial role in Australia’s energy sector.
The leadership teams at Ai Group, API, CEC, EEC and ISF are looking forward to working collaboratively with DISER to deliver the inaugural AEER over the coming year.
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For further information contact:
Holly Taylor
Head of Projects
Energy Efficiency Council
0481 346 145