Media release: Energy efficient upgrades for local government a smart move 16 June 2023
The Energy Efficiency Council (EEC) today welcomed the announcement of $100 million in funding from the Albanese Government to enable energy efficiency upgrades for councils and community facilities. Under the proposal, the Federal Government will co-fund energy upgrades of local community assets to help reduce energy costs and lower emissions.
EEC CEO Luke Menzel today applauded the move. “Just like energy efficiency upgrades in social and public housing, helping community facilities reduce their energy bills can make a big difference to all sections of society. Making sure these facilities can keep providing services to everyone at an affordable cost is incredibly important - and a key part of making sure the energy transition benefits everyone.”
Mr Menzel also noted that energy efficiency upgrades are the best way to fight rising energy bills. “Energy efficiency upgrades – in our houses, businesses and public buildings – put immediate downward pressure on energy bills. Energy efficiency not only saves us money, but helps reduce the impact of future price shocks, too.”
Mr Menzel praised the Government’s focus on energy efficiency assistance to the most vulnerable parts of the community. “Facilities like clubs, pools and community centres are vital glue that bind our communities together. Community facilities often run on small budgets, so helping to insulate them from the energy price crisis will enable them to keep doing more of what they do best.”
A recent EEC-ANZ study showed that energy efficiency upgrades are some of the most cost effective methods to reduce emissions. Using energy efficiency right across the community - in homes, businesses and even in our local pool - can let everyone contribute to the net zero transformation, and share in its benefits.
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Media enquiries:
Tim Fisher
EEC Head of Engagement
0414 893 313