

NEG detail welcome, but more action needed on energy efficiency 15 February 2018

The Energy Efficiency Council, Australia’s peak body for energy efficiency experts, has welcomed the release of the National Emissions Guarantee (NEG) Consultation Paper but called for simultaneous action on energy efficiency.

Luke Menzel, CEO of the Energy Efficiency Council, said:

“With this Paper, the Energy Security Board (ESB) has fleshed out some of the detail on how the NEG could work, including a strong focus on using demand response to improve the reliability of our energy system.”

“This is a genuine opportunity to find some common ground on the future of our energy system. We call on all governments to work together on the NEG.”

“However, it must be complemented with aggressive action on energy efficiency to improve energy affordability for businesses and households.”

Mr. Menzel noted that earlier today, the International Energy Agency (IEA) released its review of Australia’s energy policies, and found Australia can do much more on energy efficiency.

“The ESB should heed the IEA’s advice, and think about the role of energy efficiency in delivering energy affordability for businesses and households.”

“We need a plan for government that links energy efficiency and the NEG,” said Luke Menzel.

Recent reports by the IEA, the world’s most respected body on energy, found that energy efficiency is:

  • Critical to energy affordability. In most developed countries, recent improvements in energy efficiency have reduced households’ energy bills by 10 to 30 per cent.
  • Fundamental to energy security. Without aggressive action on energy efficiency, both the UK and France would have failed to meet their gas security targets.
  • The single most important action to reduce emissions. The IEA found that energy efficiency was responsible for over 75 per cent of global emission reductions since 2014.

Media contact
Rob Murray-Leach
M: 0414 065 556