Redesigning the Energy Efficiency Certification Scheme (EECS) 07 October 2021
Since 2013 the Energy Efficiency Council has administered the Energy Efficiency Certification Scheme (EECS), which certifies professionals that can lead integrated building energy retrofits (IBERs) of commercial buildings, and has supported the role out of Victoria's Greener Government Buildings (GGB) Program and NSW's Government Resource Efficiency Program (GREP), amongst other commerial buildings programs.
We're pleased to announce that the Energy Efficiency Council is working collaboratively with the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER), the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and the New South Wales Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) to redesign the Scheme into an ‘umbrella certification framework’ under which multiple professional certifications and associated training programs can sit.
The existing Certified Energy Efficiency Specialist (CEES) and Certified Energy Efficiency Leader (CEEL) certifications for commercial buildings retrofits - or IBERS - will continue under the new framework, with the addition of a new energy management system (EnMS) advisor professional certification. The EnMS advisor certification will be underpinned by the EnMS advisor training that is delivered by the EEC in partnership with DPIE.
The redesigned professional certification framework and IBERs certification will be launched in early April 2022, with the EnMS advisor certification launched by the end of the financial year. The redesign of the Scheme will enable the EnMS advisor certification to sit alongside the existing IBERs certification, as well as any other potential future certifications for energy services professionals.
We look forward to working with our members and stakeholders as we work with government to ensure that our industry delivers the energy transition with excellence and accountability.
Media contact:
Energy Efficiency Council, Holly Taylor, 0481 346 145