South Australia leads new push to raise Australia’s ambition on energy efficiency 14 June 2019
The Energy Efficiency Council has welcomed a call from the South Australian Minister for Energy, Dan van Holst Pellekaan, for Australia to ramp up its ambition on energy efficiency.
In a speech today, Minister van Holst Pellekaan described energy efficiency as the “first fuel” because the cheapest source of energy is cutting energy waste.
Council CEO Luke Menzel said energy efficiency is a “no brainer” measure that could unite energy ministers around the country because it lowers both energy bills and emissions.
“Energy efficiency is the single, most powerful tool we have to cut energy bills, improve energy security and address climate change.”
“That’s why Minister van Holst Pellekaan’s call for the COAG Energy Council to raise the ambition of the National Energy Productivity Plan is spot on.”
“We are already behind on our modest, aspirational target to improve energy productivity by 40% by 2030.”
“That puts as well behind our global competitors, and means our energy bills and our emissions are both higher than they need to be,” said Menzel.
Governments around the world are focusing on energy efficiency as a crucial part of their energy policy.
This week, the Energy Efficiency Council released a new report that reveals that if Australia adopted leading international practices in energy efficiency, we could:
- Slash the energy bills of households and businesses by $7.7 billion a year;
- Create 120,000 extra jobs; and
- Meet half of Australia’s commitment to reduce emissions by 26-28 per cent by 2030.
“The Minister proposed that state governments identify policies and programs that have already driven big increases in energy efficiency so they can be scaled up across the country,” said Menzel.
“It is a breath of fresh air, and an early sign that Australia is ready to catch up to the world on energy efficiency.”
Media contact
Andrea Von
T: 0451079259