The EEC and ASBEC launch the research report: Ensuring quality control and safety in insulation installation 10 February 2021
Last year, the Energy Efficiency Council and the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council (ASBEC) developed a research report to support an industry-led roadmap for quality control and safety in the installation of insulation in Australian buildings.
The project was initiated by The Government of New South Wales, Government of Victoria, Insulation Australasia (IA) and the Insulation Council of Australia and New Zealand (ICANZ) to ensure that insulation is installed in Australia in a manner that is safe and delivers quality outcomes. The aim of the industry-led insulation roadmap is to facilitate actions from industry, government and community that will derisk insulation installation in both residential and commercial settings, and in retrofits, renovations and new builds.
The report sets out the findings and recommendations of the project team to ensure that insulation is installed following appropriate quality-control and safety processes. These recommendations take into account considerable input from experts in a broad range of fields, including policy makers, insulation manufacturers, insulation installers, the construction industry and experts in building design and sustainability.
This publication was made possible with invaluable input from a wide variety of experts from across Australia and overseas. The Energy Efficiency Council and ASBEC look forward to sharing this exciting report with the public in homes that this will be a step towards healthier, more comfortable buildings in Australia.