EEC training opportunities in Autumn 2021 07 April 2021
EEC training opportunities in Autumn 2021
by Katie Bartrop
Energy Efficiency Council's training, certification and professional development calendar continues this autumn in an online classroom format, which has been an enormous success in the last year as people stay close to home but still seek to learn, upskill and take advantage of new opportunities in energy management. As a benefit of our swift transition into an online classroom, we have been delighted to welcome registrants from all over Australia, New Zealand and Singapore into our program and our energy management network. Further, our certified professionals – Certified Energy Managers and Certified Measurement and Verification Professionals - have seized the opportunity to undertake professional development (CPD) in advance of their CEM and CMVP certification renewals falling due.
Importantly, significant discounts are offered to EEC members across our training, certification and professional development program, which is only one of the many benefits of Council membership. More information about becoming a Council member is located here, or call our office to speak to our staff about how we can make membership work for you.
Four opportunities remain in FY2021:
Masterclass: Capturing the value of demand response
27-28 April 2021 (8 contact hours)
Registrations close: 20 April 2021
Standard fee: $539 inc GST
EEC member fee: $396 inc GST
As Australia's electricity networks continue to decarbonise through the integration of variable renewable energy in the form of solar PV and wind power, energy flexibility will only become more important. Energy flexibility involves matching demand and supply in real time, and demand management and paid demand response (DR) are some of the tools we have at our disposal for achieving this.
Energy service providers looking to provide their clients with market leading energy management advice should take heed of the integration of energy flexibility into state-based energy efficiency schemes, and the upcoming introduction of the Wholesale Demand Response Mechanism (WDRM). Understanding energy flexibility and demand response is central to providing your clients with holistic energy advice.
Join this class to learn about the benefits of DR for businesses and the broader energy system, the different DR value propositions and business models, how to leverage existing and emerging technologies to facilitate DR; and understand the rapidly evolving opportunities to create new revenue streams for businesses by selling DR in energy markets.
Certified Energy Manager (CEM)
17-21 May 2021 (25 contact hours + exam)
Registrations close: 27 April 2021
Standard fee: $4390 inc GST
EEC member fee: $3685 inc GST
A Certified Energy Manager is an individual who optimizes the energy performance of a facility, building, or industrial plant, and is a systems integrator for electrical, mechanical, process, and building infrastructure, analysing the optimum solutions to reduce energy consumption in a cost-effective approach.
This certification helps educate and qualify individuals involved in optimising the use of energy in buildings and systems, and is appropriate for energy managers looking to validate their experience and knowledge, consultants who specialise in improving the energy efficiency of buildings and building systems, building owners or managers looking to understand how energy savings can finance their next project, and individuals involved in developing energy efficiency projects, strategies or sustainability programs for their organisation or clients.
Energy management system (EnMS) advisor training
11-13 May 2021 (18 contact hours)
Registrations close: 4 May 2021
Standard fee: $1650 inc GST
EEC member fee: $1320 inc GST
This program is targeted at energy services professionals involved in energy auditing, measurement and verification, and/or energy management. Take this training to learn to present the case for energy management as a business issue, to understand what makes up EnMS core elements and how to guide an organisation to develop its own EnMS.
Importantly, you will come away from this course with an understanding of the art and science of engaging and influencing, and being able to put this into practice when supporting an organisation to implement an EnMS.
Applied M&V: Planning in practice
25-27 May 2021 (16 contact hours)
Registrations close: 4 May 2021
Standard fee: $2450 inc GST
EEC member fee: $1950 inc GST
The L3 M&V training and CMVP exam delivered by the EEC are a significant step towards becoming an experienced M&V professional, focused largely on the theoretical underpinnings of measurement and verification.
But the journey doesn’t end there.
Applied M&V: Planning in Practice builds on this foundation by going in depth on the practical preparation of the core activity of measurement and verification: preparing an M&V plan. It’s important that M&V professionals understand the challenges associated with the practical application of M&V, and are able to prepare an IPMVP compliant M&V plan along with the associated calculations. Further, they benefit from learning how to manage common M&V challenges, and how to effectively build regression models and manage unsatisfactory models. Finally, they learn how to review an M&V plan for compliance with the IPMVP, and to produce an M&V report that is compliant with the IPMVP.
This article was originally published in the April edition of Efficiency Insight.