

EEC's 2021 Training Registrations Now Open 17 February 2021

EEC’s 2021 Training Registrations Now Open

The Energy Efficiency Council delivers and supports a range of certification, professional development and training programs and masterclasses designed to raise professional standards in the sector, support certifications through CPD opportunities, and to assist businesses on their energy efficiency journey.

The Council's training calendar to June 2021 has been released and registrations are now open. While we are keen to get back to face-to-face learning, the uncertainties around COVID-19 remain and so we have made the decision to run online for another six months.

Here is a snapshot of the upcoming classes:

Online Masterclass: Capturing the value of Demand Response

Dates: 16-17 March 2021
Registration Deadline: 9 March 2021
Information: find out more
Description: Demand response enables energy users to manage costs behind the meter, while also being an increasingly important tool for improving the affordability and reliability of Australia’s electricity system. And as Australia’s energy market transforms, the ability of energy users to rapidly adjust their energy use to adapt to changes in the energy system is only becoming more valuable.

Developed exclusively for the Energy Efficiency Council, there is no better time to undertake this masterclass and discover how demand response is working successfully all over the world and has the potential to effect significant change in the Australian energy market.


Certified Measurement & Verification Professional (CMVP) Certification Program

Dates: 22-25 March 2021
Registration Deadline: 2 March 2021
Information: find out more
Description: The Energy Efficiency Council is the only Australian provider of the Efficiency Valuation Organization’s ‘Certified Measurement & Verification Professional’ certification and exam, awarded by the US Association of Energy Engineers (AEE). The certification is officially known as EVO/AEE's M&V Fundamentals & the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol for Energy Managers, but is referred to here as CMVP.

The CMVP program was established with the dual purpose of recognizing the most qualified professionals in this growing and critical area of the energy industry, and to raise the overall professional standards within the measurement and verification (M&V) field. The right to use the CMVP title is granted to those who demonstrate proficiency in the M&V field by passing a 4-hour written exam and meet the required academic and practical qualifications. EVO's certification level training is offered as preparation for the exam, and as a review of basic principles for experts.


Masterclass: Energy Auditing to Australian Standard 3598

Dates: 30-31 March 2021
Registration Deadline: 23 March 2021
Information: find out more
Description:Accurate and consistent energy auditing is critical to the uptake and quality of energy efficiency projects as it is often used as the basis for business case justification, project design and as a baseline to measure post-upgrade savings.

In 2014, Standards Australia released the new standard for energy auditing: AS/NZS 3598:2014, which sets out minimum requirements for commissioning and conducting three prescribed types of audits that identify opportunities for cost effective investments to improve energy performance.

Presented in partnership with the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE), the Energy Efficiency Council's Energy Auditing to the Australian Standard masterclass gives energy audit practitioners the skills and knowledge to deliver energy audits that meet Australian Standard 3598:2014.


Applied M&V: Planning in Practice

Dates: 27-29 April 2021
Registration Deadline: 13 April 2021
Information: find out more
Description: The CMVP training and exam delivered by the EEC is a significant step towards becoming an experienced M&V professional, focused largely on the theoretical underpinnings of measurement and verification.

But the journey doesn’t end there.

Applied M&V: Planning in Practice builds on this foundation by going in depth on the practical preparation of the core activity of measurement and verification: preparing an M&V plan.


Energy management system (ENMS) advisor training

Dates: 11-13 May 2021 (TBC)
Registration Deadline: Register an EOI to be notified when registrations open
Information: find out more
Description: The Energy Efficiency Council and the NSW Government have worked with an energy specialist and a business ‘soft skills’ specialist to develop a three-day online training program for EnMS advisors. The program encompasses both the technical and ‘soft skills’ necessary to support businesses through an effective EnMS process but has a strong focus on developing the participant’s skills as a trusted advisor.

Participants will learn how to effectively engage with and influence businesses to enable them to realise the best possible energy performance outcomes through the implementation of an EnMS. The course also covers the technical aspects of an EnMS at an intermediate level, with ISO50001 being reviewed as a pathway to achieving an effective EnMS.


Certified Energy Manager (CEM)

Dates: 17-21 May 2021
Registration Deadline: 27 April 2021
Information: find out more
Description: A Certified Energy Manager is an individual who optimizes the energy performance of a facility, building, or industrial plant. This program helps educate and qualify individuals involved in optimising the use of energy in buildings and systems. By obtaining the CEM certification, candidates gain industry and peer recognition by demonstrating their understanding of energy-efficiency principles, practices, and technologies. The program raises the professional standards, both technical and ethical, of those engaged in energy efficiency and energy management.


2021 certification renewals

The 2020 certification renewal process is almost complete and now we turn our attention to those people with CEM or CMVP certifications that expire 31 December 2021. Please stay on top of your CPD: you will need to provide evidence of 10 AEE credits of PD undertaken in 2018-2021 in order to renew, which is no small undertaking.

The Council has a number of CPD opportunities to support you in your renewal:

If you have let your CEM or CMVP certification lapse, there are pathways to re-certiffication without redoing entire courses. Send me an email and we will discuss your options.

As always, if you have any questions about our certification, professional development and training program, suggestions for courses we should be running, or feedback on our newsletter, feel free to contact me at

This article was originally published in the February edition of Efficiency Insight.