Upcoming global events in building energy performance 07 April 2021
Upcoming global events in building energy performance
by Kate Jennings
The International Energy Agency’s Energy in Buildings and Communities (IEA EBC) Programme coordinates research and development efforts towards near-zero energy and carbon emissions in the built environment. Activities under the IEA EBC Programme focus on the integration of energy-efficient and sustainable technologies into healthy buildings and communities.
To facilitate industry, academic and public engagement with the IEA EBC Programme in Australia, the Energy Efficiency Council keeps you up-to-date with IEA EBC activities - whether they be delivered in Australia or available online.
Annex 82: Energy Flexible Buildings Towards Resilient Low Carbon Energy Systems
Annex 82 - Energy Flexible Buildings will be hosting its next meeting in late April to introduce participants to the project and begin initial research discussions.
Annex 82 is seeking to ensure that energy flexibility from buildings (ie. its ability to manage its demand and supply) will be an asset for future energy networks. Project objectives are to:
- Investigate the aggregated potential of energy flexibility services from buildings and clusters of buildings located in different multi-carrier energy systems;
- Demonstrate energy flexibility in clusters of buildings through simulations, experiments and field studies;
- Map the barriers, motivations and acceptance of stakeholders associated with the introduction of energy flexibility measures;
- Investigate and develop business models for energy flexibility services to energy networks, and;
- Develop recommendations to policy makers and government entities involved in the shaping of future energy systems.
From Monday April 19 to Thursday April 22, Annex 82 will be hosting four workshops from 3pm – 6pm CEST (or 11pm – 2am AEST) which will be recorded for viewing after the event. This agenda will include a summary of the recently closed Annex 67: Energy Flexible Buildings and how Annex 82 will build on this existing work, as well as provide an overview of each of the subtasks and facilitate discussion focused on research questions.
You can read a summary of the project here or you can download the detailed project plan here.
Please contact Kate Jennings at kate.jennings@eec.org.auif you are interested in participating in this meeting and/or joining Annex 82.
Annex 5: Air infiltration and Ventilation Centre (AIVC)
Annex 5 (or the AIVC) was first established in 1979 in recognition of the significant impact of ventilation on energy use, combined with concerns over indoor air quality. The AIVC offers a wide variety of services and products including technical support, ventilation data, formal guides and reference information, webinars and workshops.
The AIVC is collaborating on a series of four webinars with Annex 86 - Energy Efficient Indoor Air Quality Management in Residential Buildings. Each of these sessions is being recorded, with slides and videos made available following each event. Follow the links below to find out more about each session and to register for the event.
- April 1st, 2021 – Building ventilation: How does it affect SARS-CoV-2 transmission?
- April 8th, 2021 (09:00-10:30 CET) – IAQ and ventilation Metrics
- April 13th, 2021 (17:00-18:30 CET) – Big data, IAQ and ventilation – part 1
- April 21st, 2021(09:00-10:30 CET): Big data, IAQ and ventilation – part 2
Professor Mattheos Santamouris (UNSW) is Australia’s representative on the AIVC Board and is featured in this month’s Efficiency Leaders which you can read here.
You can contact Professor Santamouris at m.santamouris@unsw.edu.au for more information on how to get involved.
The Energy Efficiency Council is supporting the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources with increasing industry, academic and public engagement with the International Energy Agency’s Energy in Buildings and Communities (IEA EBC) Programme in Australia.
To learn more about the IEA EBC, visit iea-ebc.org
You can learn more about the IEA EBC in Australia by visiting the EEC’s dedicated webpages below:
- IEA EBC Annexes and Working Groups;
- IEA EBC participant profiles; and
- IEA EBC engagement activities.
If you would like to further discuss Australia’s engagement and participation with the IEA EBC, please contact Kate Jennings, Senior Project Officer at kate.jennings@eec.org.au.
This article was originally published in the April edition of Efficiency Insight.