Policy, projects and partnerships
The Energy Efficiency Council works on behalf of its members to drive ambitious government policy and support decision making and growth.
Policy, projects and partnerships work enables us to provide governments, industry and consumers with accurate and up to date information and advice in the interests of sensible, stable energy efficiency policy.
The Council’s expert team of staff and advisors – led by Head of Policy, Jeremy Sung – work with governments at the state and federal level, key industry and professional associations, and non-governmental organisations, particularly our NGO Partners on a range of advocacy campaigns.
Our advocacy agenda is particularly focused on the following areas:
- Commercial buildings, both existing and new builds;
- Energy efficiency schemes across the ACT, NSW, South Australia and Victoria;
- Energy market reform, including the introduction of a wholesale demand response mechanism;
- Government operations in buildings and facilities;
- Industrial energy management, particularly in manufacturing, agriculture and resources sectors;
- Residential energy efficiency to ensure healthy comfortable homes for all Australians.
If you're a member of the Energy Efficiency Council and would like to join one or more of the Council's Task Groups, which are each focused on the above areas, please email jeremy.sung@eec.org.au
Policy submissions
Click here to view out latest policy submissions.
Energy Efficiency Council flagship reports
Click here to review our flagship reports, including Putting Efficiency to Work: the forgotten fuel series and Clean Energy, Clean Demand; Enabling a zero emissions energy system with energy management, renewables and electrification.
The Council’s expert team of staff and advisors – led by Head of Projects, Holly Taylor – work with governments at the state and federal level, key industry and professional associations, and non-governmental organisations, particularly our NGO Partners, on a range of strategic research, business engagement and industry development projects.
Click here to learn more about our current and past projects. or get in contact us via info@eec.org.au and one of our team will be in touch.
The Energy Efficiency Council prides itself on working collaboratively with government, industry, consumer and environmental groups to achieve the best outcomes for our members, stakeholders and the wider community. In particular we have ongoing strategic relationships with:
- The Affiliated Insulation Industry Coalition (AIIC);
- The Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council (ASBEC);
- The Chloe Munro Scholarship for Transformational Leadership
- Energy Governance and Market Reform;
- Equal by 30; a public commitment by public and private sector organisations to work towards equal pay, equal leadership and equal opportunities for women in the clean energy sector by 2030
- The International Energy Agency's Energy in Buildings and Communities Programme (IEA EBC);
- Our NGO Partners, made up of leading industry, consumer and environmental groups; and
- The RACE for 2030 CRC.
We also previously led the #EfficientRecovery partnership, which led to substantial investment from government inr response to the economic impacts of COVID-19.
If you'd to learn more about any of these initiatives, please contact us via info@eec.org.au and one of our team will be in touch.
The Energy Efficiency Council is closely engaged in policy making processes at the state and federal level.
EEC submissions are drafted by our expert policy team with input from our Board, advisors and members through regular consultation and policy teleconferences.
Refine results
EEC response to SA Firm Energy Reliability Mechanism consultation
EEC Submission to National Energy Workforce Strategy Consultation Paper
EEC Submission - Minimum Standards for Rental Properties ACT
Victorian Minimum Standards for Rental Properties and Rooming Houses submission
Submission to Electricity and Energy Sector Decarbonisation Plan Consultation
Energy Efficiency Council – National Adaptation Plan Issues Paper submission
Submission to NSW Consumer Energy Strategy consultation paper
Submission to the AASB Australian sustainability reporting standards exposure draft
Submission to the Climate Active Program Directions consultation paper
Submission to the Sustainable Finance Strategy Consultation Paper
Submission to the Consultation on the Review of the Integrated System Plan
Submission to the Senate Economics Committee inquiry on Residential Electrification
Submission to the Climate Change Authority's Economic Modelling Consultation
Submission to the Capacity Investment Scheme discussion paper
Submission on Safeguard Mechanism International Best Practice Framework
Submission on draft Residential Energy Efficiency Disclosure Framework
Submission to the Household Energy Upgrades Fund consultation
Submission to the Small Business Energy Incentive exposure draft consultation
Submission to the Climate Related Financial Disclosure detailed design consultation
Joint submission to the Small Business Energy Incentive consultation
Submission to the Climate Change Authority's 2023 issues paper
Submission to the Fuel Efficiency Standards - Consultation Paper April 2023
Submission to the Parramatta City Council Draft Development Control Plan
Submission to the Clean Energy Capacity Study Discussion Paper
Submission to GEMS Proposed Lighting Regulations Consultation Paper
Submission to Safeguard Mechanism detailed design consultation paper
Submission to consultation paper on climate related financial disclosure
Submission to AEMOs Draft 2023 Inputs, assumptions and scenarios report
The EEC made a submission on AEMOs Draft 2023 Inputs, Assumptions and Scenarios Report. This submission highlights the importance of using forecasting to understand the significant impact that energy management can have on the costs of the energy system.
Submission on inserting an emissions reduction objective into the National Energy Objectives
The EEC made a submission to the Commonwealth Government's consultation paper on incorporating an emissions reduction objective into the National Energy Objectives.
Submission to the National Reconstruction Fund discussion paper
The EEC made a submission to the Commonwealth Government's discussion paper on establishing the National Reconstruction Fund - an investment fund to develop new industrial capabilities in Australia.
Submission to the Powering the Regions Fund discussion paper
The EEC made a submission to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water's consultation paper on the design of the Powering the Regions Fund.
Submission to the National Energy Performance Stratregy
The EEC has made a submission to the consultation paper on the development to the National Energy Performance Strategy.
Submission on Clean Energy Capacity Study draft Terms of Reference
The Energy Efficiency Council (EEC) welcomes Jobs and Skills Australia’s (JSA) invitation for feedback on the draft Terms of Reference for the Clean Energy Capacity Study (the ‘Capacity Study’). The EEC, as Australia’s industry association for energy management, energy efficiency and demand response, is committed to ensuring that energy upgrades are implemented with excellence and accountability.
Submission to the Safeguard Mechanism Reforms consultation paper
Submission to the Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units
Submission to Senate inquiry on the 2022 Climate Change Bills
Submission to ESB Capacity Mechanism High Level Design Paper Jul 2022
Submission to Victorian 2035 Emissions Target Issues Paper 2022
Submission on ESB Post 2025 Market Design Options Paper June 2021
Submission on SA Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme October 2020
Joint submission to second demand response draft determination - 30 April 2020
Submission on Mandatory Primary Frequency Control - 13 February 2020
Ensure all rental homes are safe and healthy NSW - 12 February 2020
Ensure all rental homes are safe and healthy VIC - 5 February 2020
Submission on Draft Report for achieving low energy existing homes
Submission on Draft Trajectory for Low Energy Commercial Buildings
Joint response to scoping study: energy efficiency NCC 2022 and beyond
Submission on the NSW Energy Saving Scheme 2018-19 Rule Change
Submission on Draft Trajectory for Low Energy Existing Commercial Buildings
Submission on Draft Trajectory for Low Energy Existing Homes
Submission on the AEMC review into demand-side incentives for transmission networks
Submission on the CBD Program review - Preliminary Findings Report
Submission on the 2019 Review of the South Australian Retailer Energy Efficiency Scheme
Submission on Demand Response Mechanism Rule Change Proposals Consultation Paper
Submission on Federal tax incentives to upgrade residential rental properties
Submission on Trajectory for Low Energy Homes – Stage 3 Consultation Questions
Submission on the Draft Detailed Design Consultation Paper for the National Energy Guarantee
Submission on the Commonwealth Elements of the National Energy Guarantee
Submission on 2018 Review of Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Regulations
Submission on NSW Energy Saving Scheme Major Rule Change 2019-20
Submission on Rule Change to reinstate long notice Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader
EEC Submission on Rule Change to reinstate long notice Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader
Submission on AEMC Reliability Frameworks Directions Paper
EEC Submission on AEMC Reliability Frameworks Directions Paper
Submission on the National Construction Code 2019
EEC submission on the National Construction Code 2019
Submission to the Independent Review of the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012
EEC Submission to the Independent Review of the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012
Submission on the National Energy Guarantee Draft Design Consultation
EEC Submission on the National Energy Guarantee Draft Design Consultation
Submission on AEMC Reliability Frameworks Interim Report
EEC submission on the AEMC Reliability Frameworks Interim Report
Submission on the Energy Savings Scheme Rule Change 2017-18 Issues Paper
Submission on the Energy Savings Scheme Rule Change 2017-18 Issues Paper
Submission on the Victorian Energy Upgrades – Proposed Changes to Schedule 34 Lighting Upgrade
EEC submission on the Victorian Energy Upgrades – Proposed Changes to Schedule 34 Lighting Upgrade
EEC submission to the Proposed Demand Management Incentive Scheme and Innovation Allowance Mechanism
Submission to EMO0032 AEMC Strategic Priorities
EEC submission to EMO0032 Strategic Priorities for the Australian Energy Sector
Submission on the Victorian Energy Upgrades – Commercial Lighting Issues Paper 2017
EEC Submission to the Victorian Energy Upgrades – Commercial Lighting Issues Paper 2017
EEC submission to the Vehicle Emissions Working Group proposed Fuel Efficiency Standard for Light Vehicles
EEC consultation Paper June 2017 - ACT Energy Efficiency Improvement Scheme (EEIS)
Submission to the 2017 Review of Climate Change Policies
EEC Submission to the 2017 Review of Climate Change Policies
Submission to the Inquiry into Modernising Australia’s Electricty Grid
EEC Submission to the Inquiry into Modernising Australia’s Electricty Grid
Submission on Demand Management Incentive Scheme and Innovation Allowance Mechanism
EEC submission on Demand Management Incentive Scheme and Innovation Allowance Mechanism
Submission to the NSW Energy Security Taskforce
EEC Submission to the NSW Energy Security Taskforce
EEC Submission to the AER review of the Demand Management Incentive Scheme and Innovation Allowance Mechanism
Submission to the Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market
EEC Submission to the Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market
Submission on Victorian Residential Tenancies Act - minimum efficiency standards
EEC Submission on Victorian Residential Tenancies Act - minimum efficiency standards
Submission on Advancing Climate Action
EEC Submission on Advancing Climate Action
Submission on the Draft Environmental Action 2016 – 2021: Strategy and Action Plan
EEC Submission on the Draft Environmental Action 2016 – 2021: Strategy and Action Plan
Submission for VEET Measurement and Verification
Submission on proposed Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET) Project Based Activity (PBA) method ‘Measurement and Verification’ (M&V).
Submission on ERC0191 National Electricity Amendment (Local Generation Network Credits) Rule 2015
Submission on WA Reserve Capacity Mechanism Position Paper - January 2016
EEC Submission on WA Reserve Capacity Mechanism Position Paper - January 2016
Submission on Victorian New Energy Technologies Discussion Paper - December 2015
EEC Submission on Victorian New Energy Technologies Discussion Paper
EEC Submission on ERC0186 National Electricity Amendment (Demand Response Mechanism and Ancillary Services Unbundling) Rule 2015
Submission on National Electricity Amendment Rule 2015 - December 2015
EEC Submission on National Electricity Amendment (Demand-‐side obligations to bid into central dispatch) Rule 2015
Submission on Project-based Assessment Methods for VEET - November 2015
EEC Submission on Project-based Assessment Methods for VEET
Submission on Proposed VEET Activity Regulation Changes October 2015
Submission on Proposed VEET Activity Regulation Changes October 2015
Submission on the Review of Governance Arrangements for Australian Energy Markets
Submission on the Review of Governance Arrangements for Australian Energy Markets - August 2015
Submission to Victorian Government on Priorities for Energy Efficiency - August 2015
EEC Submission to Victorian Government on Priorities for Energy Efficiency - August 2015
Submission on the Review of the NSW Energy Savings Scheme - May 2015
EEC Submission on the Review of the NSW Energy Savings Scheme (ESS) - May 2015
Submission on the review of the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET) - May 2015
EEC Submission on the review of the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET) - May 2015
Submission on the City of Sydney Energy Efficiency Masterplan Draft - May 2015
EEC Submission on the City of Sydney Energy Efficiency Masterplan Draft - May 2015
Review of the Commercial Building Disclosure Program - April 2015
EEC Submission - Review of the Commercial Building Disclosure (CBD) Program - April 2015
Submission on the Demand Management Incentive Scheme - March 2015
EEC Submission on the National Electrcity Amendment Demand Management Incentive Scheme and Demand Management and Embedded Generation Connection Incentive Scheme (DMEGCIS)
Submission - Removing barriers to demand management - a letter to AER, March 2015
EEC Submission - Removing barriers to demand management - a letter to AER, March 2015
Submission on the Energy Efficiency Data Framework, March 2010
EEC Submission on the Energy Efficiency Data Framework, March 2010
Submission to Senate Inquiry on Electricity Networks - January 2015
EEC Submission to Senate Inquiry on Electricity Networks (Performance and Management of Electricity Network Companies)
EEC Submission - Senate Inquiry into the repeal of the Energy Efficiency Opportunities (EEO) Program June 2014
Submission - Energy Savings Scheme (Part 1) March 2014
EEC Submission - Energy Savings Scheme (ESS) (Part 1) March 2014
Submission - Energy Savings Scheme (Part 2) March 2014
EEC Submission - Energy Savings Scheme (ESS) (Part 2) March 2014
EEC Submission - Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the impact of the carbon tax on health services March 2014
Submission - Emissions Reduction Fund Green Paper - March 2014
EEC Submission - Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) Green Paper March 2014
Submission - NSW Energy Savings Scheme Rule Change December 2013
EEC Submission - NSW Energy Savings Scheme (ESS) Rule Change December 2013
Submission on Emissions Reduction Fund December 2013
EEC Submission on Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) December 2013
Submission to NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into cogeneration and trigeneration in NSW - September 2013
EEC Submission - to NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into cogeneration and trigeneration in New South Wales September 2013
Submission on AEMC Cogenconnection August 2013
EEC Submission on AEMC Cogenconnection August 2013
Submission on the Review of the Energy Saver Incentive Issues Paper - June 2013
Submission on the Review of the Energy Saver Incentive (ESI) Issues Paper - June 2013
Submission - Standards Australia - Energy Audit Standard Revision June 2013
EEC Submission - Standards Australia - Energy Audit standard revision June 2013
Submission on Energy Efficiency Opportunities New Developments Regulations Discussion Paper
EEC Submission on Energy Efficiency Opportunities (EEO) New Developments Regulations Discussion Paper - Greenfield Sites - May 2013
Submission on EEO Regulation Changes May 2013
EEC Submission on EEO Regulation Changes May 2013
Submission on the National Consumer Advocacy Body March 2013
Submission on the National Consumer Advocacy Body March 2013
Submission to COAG Regulatory and Competition Taskforce Feb 2013
EEC Submission to COAG Regulatory and Competition Taskforce Feb 2013
Submission on NABERS multi-tool, December 2012
EEC Submission on NABERS multi-tool, December 2012
Submission on VEET, December 2012
EEC Submission on Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET), December 2012
Submission on AEMC Stage 3 Demand Side Participation Review, October 2012
EEC Submission on AEMC Stage 3 Demand Side Participation Review, October 2012
Submission to Senate Committee on Electricity Prices, September 2012
EEC Submission to Senate Committee on Electricity Prices, September 2012
Submission on NABERS cogen ruling, August 2012
EEC Submission on NABERS cogeneration ruling, August 2012
Submission to AEMC Cogen Rulechange, August 2012
EEC Submission to AEMC Cogeneration Rulechange, August 2012
Submission to COAG Taskforce on Regulatory and Competition Reform, July 2012
EEC Submission to COAG Taskforce on Regulatory and Competition Reform, July 2012
Submission on the National Building Energy Standard-Setting, Assessment and Rating Framework
Submission on the National Building Energy Standard-Setting, Assessment and Rating Framework, July 2012
Submission to Inquiry into Feed-in Tariffs and Barriers to Distributed Generation, July 2012
Submission to Inquiry into Feed-in Tariffs and Barriers to Distributed Generation, July 2012
Submission to AEMC on Stage 3 Demand Side Participation Review, May 2012
EEC Submission to AEMC on Stage 3 Demand Side Participation Review, May 2012. AEMC
Submission on Energy White Paper, March 2012
EEC Submission on Energy White Paper, March 2012
Submission on Energy Saving Initiative, March 2012
EEC Submission on Energy Saving Initiative (ESI), March 2012
Submission on Energy Efficiency Information Grants, December 2011
EEC Submission on Energy Efficiency Information Grants, December 2011
Submission on Clean Energy Finance Corporation, December 2011
EEC Submission on Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC), December 2011
Submission on Clean Technology Investment Program, October 2011
EEC Submission on Clean Technology Investment Program, October 2011
Submission on Community Energy Efficiency Program, October 2011
EEC Submission on Community Energy Efficiency Program, October 2011
Submission on Draft Street Lighting Strategy, September 2011
EEC Submission on Draft Street Lighting Strategy, September 2011
Submission on the AEMC Stage 3 Demand-Side Participation Review, September 2011
EEC Submission on the AEMC Stage 3 Demand-Side Participation Review, September 2011
Submission on Carbon Price Legislative Package, August 2011
EEC Submission on Carbon Price Legislative Package, August 2011
Submission on Energy Audit Standard, June 2011
EEC Submission on Energy Audit Standard, June 2011
Submission to Sustainability Victoria strategic review, June 2011
EEC Submission to Sustainability Victoria (SV) strategic review, June 2011
EEC Submission on Tenancy Lighting Energy Efficiency Assessment Tool (Commercial Building Disclosure, CBD), June 2011
Submission on Carbon Price, May 2011
EEC Submission on Carbon Price, May 2011
Submission on AEMC Strategic Priorities for Energy Market Development, May 2011
EEC Submission on AEMC Strategic Priorities for Energy Market Development, May 2011
Submission on the Expansion of the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target, April 2011
EEC Submission on the Expansion on the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET), April 2011
Submission on Tax Breaks for Green Buildings, February 2011
EEC Submission on Tax Breaks for Green Buildings, February 2011
Response to Prime Minister's Task Group Report on Energy Efficiency, December 2010
EEC Response to Prime Minister's Task Group Report on Energy Efficiency, December 2010
Submission on Green Leases, October 2010
EEC Submission on Green Leases, October 2010
Submission to Prime Minister's Task Group (Initial Submission), May 2010
EEC Submission to Prime Minister's Task Group (Initial Submission), May 2010
Submission to Senate Environment Committee on Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Bill, April 2010
EEC Submission to Senate Environment Committee on Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Bill, April 2010
Submission on the ACT Draft Sustainable Energy Policy, March 2010
EEC Submission on the ACT Draft Sustainable Energy Policy, March 2010
EEC Submission to the Senate Economics Committee on the Energy Efficient Non-Residential Buildings Scheme, October 2009
Submission on the Energy White Paper, May 2009
EEC Submission on the Energy White Paper, May 2009
Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Climate Policy, April 2009
EC Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Climate Policy, April 2009
Submission to the IPART Review of NSW Climate Change Mitigation Measures, February 2009
AEPCA Submission to the IPART Review of NSW Climate Change Mitigation Measures, February 2009
Submission on Mandatory Disclosure of Commercial Building Energy Efficiency, February 2009
AEPCA Submission on Mandatory Disclosure of Commercial Building Energy Efficiency, February 2009
AEPCA Submission to the Federal Opposition Review of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) White Paper (Pearce Review), February 2009
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