Policy & Projects

Policy & Projects

IEA EBC Annexes and Working Groups

IEA EBC research is mainly undertaken through a series of research projects, or so-called 'Annexes'. Typically each Annex has a life span of three to four years, although extensions are possible if a continuing need for the activity is identified. Clear goals are set for each activity so that well defined products are generated. Publications are available for several ongoing and most completed annexes.

Working Groups are unique from Annexes, and they are set up to be able to collect knowledge on specific aspects between several countries, prepare new Annex projects or to follow-up on a completed project.

Annexes and Working Groups are structured so that each has a defined Operating Agent(s) who is responsible for the management and reporting of sub-tasks, research and publication of outcomes. Sitting underneath the Operating Agents are the participants. Participants consist of all parties who support the Annex or Working Group, and to which sub-tasks are assigned. 

Through the Council's engagement with DISER and the IEA, we have selected a list of Annexes deemed particularly pertinent to Australia, and these are listed below (alongside Operating Agents and participants for each).

There are other ongoing Annexes, for further information on these, please click here.

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IEA EBC Annexes and Working Groups of relevance to Australia

In this section you'll find information on:

  • EBC Annex 96 - Grid Integrated Control of Buildings
  • EBC Annex 95 - Human-centric Building Design and Operation for a Changing Climate 
  • EBC Annex 94 - Validation and Verification of In-Situ Building Energy Performance Measurement Techniques
  • EBC Annex 93 - Energy Resilience of Buildings in Remote Cold Regions
  • EBC Annex 92 - Smart Materials for Energy-Efficient Heating, Cooling and IAQ Control in Residential Buildings 
  • EBC Annex 91 - Open BIM for Energy Efficient Buildings 
  • EBC Annex 90 - Low Carbon, High Comfort Integrated Lighting
  • EBC Annex 89 - Ways to Implement Net-zero Whole Life Carbon Buildings
  • EBC Annex 88 - Evaluation and Demonstration of Actual Energy Efficiency of Heat Pump Systems in Buildings
  • EBC Annex 87 – Energy and Indoor Environmental Quality Performance of Personalised Environmental Control Systems
  • EBC Annex 86 – Energy Efficient Indoor Air Quality Management in Residential Buildings
  • EBC Annex 85 – Indirect Evaporative Cooling
  • EBC Annex 84 - Demand Management of Buildings in Thermal Networks 
  • EBC Annex 83 – Positive Energy Districts;
  • EBC Annex 82 – Energy Flexible Buildings Towards Resilient Low Carbon Energy Systems
  • EBC Annex 81 – Data-driven Smart Buildings;
  • EBC Annex 80 – Resilient cooling;
  • EBC Annex 79 – Occupant-Centric Building Design and Operation
  • EBC Annex 70 – Building Energy Epidemiology: Analysis of Real Building Energy Use at Scale;
  • EBC Annex 05 - Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre
  • Working Group – Building Energy Codes.

 EBC Annex 96 - Grid Integrated Control of Buildings 

Status: Ongoing (2024 - 2028)

Operating Agents: Dr Stephen White, Prof. Rongling Li


  • Advance the TRL/CRL of flexible load technologies available in buildings;
  • Develop the digital framework(s) for exposing flexible load resources to energy markets/schemes;
  • Demonstrate the potential for automating flexibility aggregation and orchestration processes through modern digitalization technologies;
  • Assess the potential to use flexible loads to reduce emissions in buildings, by better matching demand with grid-time-of-use emissions; and
  • Drive adoption of Annex results through case studies, business model innovation and results dissemination.


The following project deliverables are planned: 

  • A set of Reference Scenarios describing how flexibility can participate in relevant markets and the associated user requirements.
  • A Guide to M&V for flexible demand financial settlement.
  • A State-of-the-art Report and assessment of technologies for delivering flexible demand from heating and cooling services.
  • A Report on the potential for flexibility to reduce emissions when measured on a time of use basis.
  • A Web Portal for viewing case studies of flexibility in real world applications.
  • An Industry Roadmap Report detailing intervention opportunities to grow the flexible demand industry.

Want to get involved? You can contact the Annex Operating Agent here:

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 EBC Annex 95 - Human Centric Building Design and Operation for a Changing Climate

Status: Ongoing (2024 - 2029)

Operating Agents: Julia Day, Zoltan Nagy, Liam O’Brien, Marianne Touchie


  • Gain knowledge about how building occupants around the world respond to changing climate conditions, particularly extreme events and how they are currently adapting to the energy transition, including new technologies and programs;
  • Establish working definitions and key performance indicators to evaluate sufficiency, equity, and resilience in buildings;
  • Develop recommendations for building design and retrofit which address principles of resilience, sufficiency and equity for a changing climate;
  • Examine the role that behavioural nudging of building operation can play in helping to keep occupants safe in extreme events and comfortable during normal operation; and
  • Explore how communities and social infrastructure can establish community and individual resilience in the face of climate change.


The following project deliverables are planned: 

  • Knowledge/theory/models (e.g. definitions, behaviour and comfort theory, laboratory studies).
  • Best practices guidelines, simplified tools and workflows, case studies and demonstration projects.
  • Novel concepts (e.g. occupant-centric controls, building interfaces).
  • Code, standard, and policy recommendations (e.g. occupant-centric controls in building codes, thermostat interface standard).

Want to get involved? You can contact the Annex Operating Agent here:

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EBC Annex 94 – Validation and Verification of In-situ Building Energy Performance Measurement Techniques 

Status: Ongoing (2024 - 2028)

Operating Agents: Prof. David Allinson, Prof. Cliff Elwell, Prof. Richard Fitton 


  • Developing new knowledge and understanding of the breadth of real-world applications for in-situ building energy performance measurement techniques and the technical requirements of those applications across different sectors;
  • Extending the current heat transfer coefficient estimation methods to new building typologies and climates while improving their accuracy, repeatability, and robustness;
  • Co-creating a new framework for the verification and validation of in-situ building energy performance measurement techniques;
  • Developing new research areas on building performance diagnostics that identify the reason for the HTC performance gap; and
  • Collecting and curating data sets to support the work of this project and to create a legacy resource that is free to access and accelerating innovation and adoption of in-situ building energy performance measurement techniques.


The following project deliverables are planned: 

  • Stakeholder surveys and workshops
  • Literature reviews
  • Data collection, curation, and analysis
  • Methodical development and comparative evaluation
  • Dissemination

Want to get involved? You can contact the Annex Operating Agent here:

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 EBC Annex 93 - Energy Resilience of the Buildings in Remote Cold Regions

Status: Ongoing (2024 - 2028)

Operating Agents: Dr Hassam ur Rehman, Dr Alexander Zhivov 


  • Identifying major threats specific to cold regions that hinder the normal operation of buildings and energy systems; developing definitions, frameworks, and key performance indicators for energy-resilient buildings, communities, and energy supply systems; and establishing requirements for habitability, survivability, indoor air quality, and buildings sustainability levels in cold regions for blue and black skies operations;
  • Surveying existing buildings and communities, and document case studies with practices that promote resilience and reduce health and infrastructure risks in cold regions;
  • Assessing concepts of existing and planned net and nearly zero carbon buildings and communities in terms of their technical, social and economic performance and developing guidelines to implement needed technical solutions for energy-resilient buildings and communities in countries with cold regions / climates; and
  • Disseminating best practices for planning and construction of energy-resilient buildings and communities in cold regions through technical papers, conference presentations, and training.


The following project deliverables are planned: 

  • Literature Survey which includes the collection of sufficiently robust and detailed information accumulated across cold regions (policy, climate information, building technical system engineering and mechanical system engineering, impact on occupants, environment, social and economic).
  • Impact Assessment Data which includes the overall framework to be developed and collected through stakeholders, projects, etc, to assess the techno[1]economic, social, and environmental impact.
  • Simulation and Real Case Data Collection, Pilot Cases, and Demo Cases. Simulations will be used for detailed analysis using real data and for parametric analysis.
  • Stakeholder Engagement through real Annex related projects, workshops, and conferences.
  • Evaluation and Analysis based on best practices of resilience in buildings and communities.
  • Dissemination

Want to get involved? You can contact the Annex Operating Agents here:

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 EBC Annex 92 - Smart Materials for Energy-Efficient Heating, Cooling and Indoor Air Quality Control in Residential Buildings

Status: Ongoing (2024 - 2028)

Operating Agents: Prof. Menghao Qin 


  • Develop energy-efficient heating, cooling and air purification strategies by using novel smart materials, especially advanced sorbents (MOFs and hydrogels) and their related composites, through a cross-disciplinary international collaboration;
  • Review, analyse, and evaluate novel sorbent materials, and develop or further improve the performance of selected materials for specific applications in different climates;
  • Develop suitable shaping methods of the best sorbents to adapt to the criteria for the different applications;
  • Develop innovative heating and heat storage systems using new sorbent materials;
  • Identify or further develop innovative cooling systems using new materials;
  • Develop innovative active and passive approaches for air purification systems using new sorbent materials;
  • Carry out laboratory tests to measure the performance of the new systems, along with numerical modelling and optimization;
  • Develop guidelines for design and control strategies for novel systems, supported by models and tools to assist designers and managers of buildings in their use; and
  • Document relevant case studies, focusing on performance and optimization.


The following project deliverables are planned: 

  • Literature list for energy efficient energy management: This deliverable will provide a comprehensive overview of all the literature that was used and highlighted during the project.
  • An overview report on methods and tools for selecting smart materials for energy-efficient cooling, dehumidification, indoor air quality (IAQ) control and thermal energy storage strategies: This deliverable will provide professionals and practitioners with a collection of methods and tools for IAQ management strategy.
  • A collection of scientific publications in high-level journals: This deliverable will bring together scientific publications from all project subtasks.
  • A collection of case studies and demonstrations of energy-efficient heating, cooling and thermal energy storage using smart materials: This deliverable will provide both policy makers and industry practitioners with an overview of current practices and real-life examples of energy-efficient built environment control strategies using novel smart materials.

Want to get involved? You can contact the Annex Operating Agent here:

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 EBC Annex 91 - Open BIM for Energy Efficient Buildings

Status: Ongoing (2023 - 2026)

Operating Agents: Gerhard Zucker


  • Making energy efficiency assessment and optimization become an integral feature of open BIM;
  • Building the foundations for open BIM processes and data models that are beneficial especially for small and medium enterprises and enable seamless cooperation of all stakeholders in a common open BIM project; and
  • Advancing the interoperability and harmonization of open BIM processes and data models both on national and international level.


The following project deliverables are planned: 

  • Identification of the common BIM library scope;
  • Analysis of use cases and information requirements;
  • Developing ontologies for establishing the relationships between key concepts;
  • Testing and validating the BIM library;
  • Definition of BIM use cases for building energy performance;
  • Development of modelling process and guidelines;
  • identification and application of pipelines and toolchains;
  • Case studies of use cases;
  • Evaluation of the common library, ontologies, and processes; and
  • Identification of potentials and required future developments.

Want to get involved? You can contact the Annex Operating Agent here:

Gerhard Zucker

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EBC Annex 90 - Low Carbon, High Comfort Integrated Lighting

Status: Ongoing (2023 - 2026)

Operating Agents: Dr Jan de Boer


  • Support the decarbonisation of lighting solutions and helping to bridge the gap between a component-centred viewpoint and design-oriented system approaches;
  • Support the transition from purely focusing on energy to a life cycle assessment perspective;
  • Given the rapidly-developing digitalization of buildings and lighting installations, contextualize their technology, design, and operational aspects, and add to the digital chain, such as better design processes and align these with the developing understanding of user needs;
  • Bring together the different players involved through workshops and specific activities, and create added value by knowledge transfer into standardization, regulations, and building certification; and
  • Foster the broad implementation of low carbon solutions, especially in developing countries, by promoting tailored low technology yet high impact solutions through demonstration, design guidelines, and workshops.


The following project deliverables are planned: 

  • To establish scenarios, strategies, roadmaps for low carbon lighting and passive solar including a survey on data sources, methods and regulations, a catalogue of scenarios, a simple tool to rate life cycle analysis and global warming potential, and design guidelines;
  • A report on visual and non-visual requirements;
  • Information material on new developments for non-visual aspects;
  • A set of refactored Radiance core tools to support digitalized lighting solutions focusing on technology, design tools and processes;
  • information material about ‘impact of densification on visual comfort and well-being’;
  • A report on applications and case studies ‘low carbon daylighting and lighting solutions: practical applications’; and
  • Promotion of highly efficient lighting solutions for Sunbelt Regions through workshops and production of a brochure. 

Want to get involved? You can contact the Annex Operating Agent here:

Dr Jan de Boer

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EBC Annex 89 - Ways to Implement Net-zero Whole Life Carbon Buildings 

StatusOngoing (2023 - 2027)

Operating Agents: Dr Alexander Passer


  • Contribute to local, national and global efforts to accelearate and scale-up the transition of the building and real estate sector towards net zero whole of life cycle outcomes 
  • Support key stakeholders and decision makers in developing and implementing effective Paris-goal compatible schemes and solutions. 


  • Report on guidelines and recommendations on establishing carbon reduction paths and actions towards net zero whole life carbon buildings
  • Report on guidelines for selection and application of assessment methods to estimate and determine Paris-goal compatible net zero whole life carbon status of buildings
  • Report on enabling tools and instruments to increase net zero whole life carbon building implementation at national and regional level
  • Report on enabling and disabling factors for implementation of net zero whole life carbon intitatives 

Want to get involved? You can contact the Annex Operating Agent here:

Dr Alexander Passer

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EBC Annex 88 - Evaluation and Demonstration of Actual Energy Efficiency of Heat Pump Systems in Buildings

Status: Ongoing (2022 - 2027)

Operating Agent: Dr Takao Sawachi


  • Developing literature review of test methods, monitoring methods and methods for energy calculations for heat pump systems, as well as existing design guidelines;
  • Analysing and comparing existing proposals on testing methods of heat pump systems, and developing reommendations for testing actual energy efficiency;
  • Developing manual on monitoring methods for energy efficiency and other characteristics of heat pump systems in buildings, and new data acquisition techniques on which to develop a database;
  • Developing and validating alternative methods for predicting energy efficiency and energy use of heat pump systems in buildings under different conditions including partial load ratios, by utilising product information based on existing test standards and protocols; and
  • Developing design guidelines for more energy efficient heat pump systems with demonstration data from applications in buildings. 


The following official project deliverables are planned:

  • A state of the art report on existing testing methods and monitoring methods, on methods and product parameters for estimating energy use by heat pump systems, and on existing design guidelines for heat pumpt systems;
  • Recommendations of protocols to monitor actual characteristics and behaviour of heat pump systems;
  • Recommendation of test methods and monitoring methods of heat pump systems;
  • Database of monitoring results on heat pump systems in buildings; and
  • Design guidelines of heat pump systems in buildings based on the evaluation of energy use and efficiency.

Want to get involved? You can contact the Annex Operating Agent here:

Dr Takao Sawachi:

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EBC Annex 87 – Energy and Indoor Environmental Quality Performance of Personalised Environmental Control Systems

Status: Ongoing (2021 - 2026)

Operating Agents: Ongun Berk Kazanci and Bjarne Olesen 


The objective of this project is to establish design criteria and operation guidelines for 'personalised environmental control systems' (PECS) and to quantify the benefits regarding health, comfort and energy performance. This includes also control concepts and guidelines for operating PECS in spaces with general ambient systems for heating, cooling, ventilation, and lighting. The scope of the project includes all types of PECS for local heating, cooling, ventilation, air cleaning, lighting, and acoustics. It includes desktop systems, which are mounted on desks, or integrated into furniture, chairs with heating / cooling and ventilation, and other types that can be found during the study. It also includes wearables, where heating, cooling, and ventilation are included in garments or devices attached to an occupant's body.


The main deliverables from the project are expected to be as follows:

  • Guidebook on requirements for PECS;
  • State-of-the-art report on PECS;
  • Guidebook on PECS design, operation and implementation in buildings (including integration of PECS with ambient conditioning systems);
  • Report on test methods for performance evaluation of PECS; and
  • Universal criteria about requirements, characteristics, and performance of PECS to be used in national and international standards.

Want to get involved? You can contact the Annex Operating Agent here:

Ongun Berk Kazanci:

Bjarne Olesen:

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EBC Annex 86 - Energy Efficient Indoor Air Quality Management in Residential Buildings

Status: Ongoing (2020 - 2025)

Operating Agent: Dr Jelle Laverge


  • Select metrics to assess energy performance and indoor environmental quality of an indoor air quality management strategy and study their aggregation;
  • Improve the acceptability, control, installation quality and long-term reliability of indoor air quality management strategies by proposing specific metrics for these quality issues;
  • Set up a coherent rating method for indoor air quality management strategy that takes into account the selected metrics;
  • Identify or further develop the tools that will be needed to assist designers and managers of buildings in assessing the performance of an indoor air quality management strategy using the rating method;
  • Gather existing or provide new standardized input data for the rating method;
  • Study the potential use of smart materials as (an integral part of) an indoor air quality management strategy;
  • Develop specific indoor air quality management solutions for retrofitting existing buildings;
  • Benefit from recent advances in sensor technology and cloud-based data storage to systematically improve the quality of the implemented indoor air quality management strategies, ensure their operation and improve the quality of the rating method as well as the input data;
  • Improve the availability of these data sources by exploring use cases for their providers; and
  • Disseminate about each of the above findings.


The following official project deliverables are planned:

  • A literature list for energy efficient energy management;
  • An open database with source data for the rating of indoor air quality management strategies;
  • An overview report on methods and tools for the rating of indoor air quality management strategies; and
  • A collection of case studies and demonstrations of energy efficient indoor air quality management strategies.

Want to get involved? You can contact the Annex Operating Agent here:

Dr Jelle Laverge:

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Status: Ongoing (2020 - 2025)

Operating Agent: Dr Xiaoyun Xie


  • Carry out deep and wide investigations of indirect evaporative cooling systems, as well as for cooling towers, including cost, space, maintenance, and environmental impacts (noise, legionella and so on) to find out the main reasons why indirect evaporative cooling technologies have not been widely used.
  • Carry out field testing of existing indirect evaporative cooling systems applied in different climates to obtain real-world running data; analyze the data and provide guidance for system improvement or optimization. (Existing installations can be found in the north-west of China, western USA, Europe, Australia, and other dry regions.) 
  • Develop a general theoretical analysis method for indirect evaporative cooling processes to guide the design of various indirect evaporative cooling systems used in different dry climates.
  • Evaluate the water and electricity use of indirect evaporative cooling processes.
  • Set up a system simulation model and tool for various kinds of indirect evaporative cooling processes and systems used in different types of buildings under different dry climates.
  • Develop a guideline for designing indirect evaporative cooling systems for different types of buildings under various dry climates and water resource conditions.


The planned official project deliverable is a book, provisionally entitled, “The Indirect Evaporative Cooling Source Book”. This will include the specific project outputs as follows: 

  • theoretical analysis results for the general performance of indirect evaporative cooling technologies,
  • fundamental analysis results through thermal analysis and optimization,
  • simulation tools for indirect evaporative cooling technologies,
  • design guideline for indirect evaporative coolingtechnologies, and
  • feasibility analysis of indirect evaporative cooling technologies.

Want to get involved? You can contact the Annex Operating Agent here:

Dr Xiaoyun Xie:

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Status: Ongoing (2020 - 2025)

Operating Agent: Anna Marszal-Pomianowska 


  • Provide knowledge on partners / actors involved in the energy chain and on collaboration models / instruments for successful demand management;
  • Evaluate and provide design solutions for new and existing building heating and cooling substations and installations for successful demand management;
  • Develop methods and tools to utilize the smart heat meter data for real-time data modelling and identification of dynamic building characteristics; and
  • Provide knowledge from and drive adaptation and visualization of project results through case studies.


The following official project deliverables are planned:

  • A technical report on recommendations on how to engage users, including business model, methods to motivate, aimed at district heating and cooling utilities, building owners and operators, designers, manufacturers, installers, and policy makers.
  • A technical report on building technology for activation of the demand response in thermal networks - status, development guidelines, aimed at building owners and operators, designers, manufacturers, installers.
  • A technical report on the Tool-Kit for assessing building demand response capability and a methodology for utilization of ‘big-data’ from smart heat meters, aimed at building designers and engineers, district heating and cooling utilities, and building owners.

Want to get involved? You can contact the Annex Operating Agent here:

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EBC Annex 83 – Positive Energy Districts

Status: Ongoing (2020-2023)

Operating agents:


  • Francesco Guarino, University of Palermo, Italy
  • Francesco Reda, VTT TRC, Finland


  • Create a shared in-depth definition of a positive energy district by means of a multi-stakeholder governance model
  • Develop the required information and guidance for implementing the necessary technical solutions that can be replicated and ultimately scaled up to the city level
  • Explore novel technical and service opportunities related to monitoring solutions, big data, data management, smart control and digitalisation technologies as enablers of PEDs.
  • Develop the required information and guidance for the planning and implementation of PEDs. 


  • Definitions and key concepts for positive energy districts
  • Methods, tools and technologies for realising positive energy districts
  • Governance principles and impact assessment for positive energy districts
  • Case studies on positive energy districts and related technologies 

Want to get involved? You can contact the Annex Operating Agents here:

Francesco Guarino:

Francesco Reda:

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EBC Annex 82 – Energy Flexible Buildings Towards Resilient Low Carbon Energy Systems

Status: Ongoing (2020-2024)

Operating agents:

  • Søren Østergaard Jensen, Danish Technological Institute, Denmark


The project objectives are to:

  • Investigate the aggregated potential of energy flexibility services from buildings and clusters of buildings located in different multi-carrier energy systems;
  • Demonstrate energy flexibility in clusters of buildings through simulations, experiments and field studies;
  • Map the barriers, motivations and acceptance of stakeholders associated with the introduction of energy flexibility measures;
  • Investigate and develop business models for energy flexibility services to energy networks, and;
  • Develop recommendations to policy makers and government entities involved in the shaping of future energy systems.


The identified set of deliverables to be achieved by participants for this project includes:

  • A common methodology for characterization of energy flexibility;
  • Services offered to (multi-carrier) energy networks;
  • Stakeholder viewpoints;
  • A collection of case studies;
  • Business models, and;
  • Recommendations for policy makers and government entities involved in the shaping of future energy systems.

Want to get involved? You can contact the Annex Operating Agents here:

Søren Østergaard Jensen:

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EBC Annex 81 – Data-driven Smart Buildings

Status: Ongoing (2019-2024)

Operating agent:

  • Dr Stephen White, CSIRO, Australia


  • Provide the knowledge, standards, protocols and procedures for low-cost high-quality data capture, sharing and utilisation in buildings;
  • Develop a Building Emulator platform that enables testing, development and assessment of the impact of alternative building HVAC control strategies in a digital environment;
  • Develop building energy efficiency software Applications that can be used and ideally commercialised for reducing energy use in buildings; and
  • Drive adoption of results through case studies, business model innovation and results dissemination.


The identified set of deliverables to be achieved by participants for this project includes:

  • A proposal for government leadership on data sharing from their buildings;
  • A MVP Open Data Platform functional requirements report;
  • An online repository of exemplar datasets for building analytics research;
  • A set of data-driven control-oriented building models for different scenarios;
  • Emulator prototype(s);
  • A software repository, containing the prototype software implementations and descriptions of each application; and
  • Reports.

You can find a full list of publications from this Annex here.

This Annex is in the reporting phase. if you are interested in their final results and publications, please contact the operating agent  below. 

Dr. Stephen White

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EBC Annex 80 – Resilient cooling

Status: Ongoing (2018-2023)

Operating agent:


  • Assess benefits, potentials and performance indicators;
  • Identify limitations and bottlenecks and provide guidance on design, performance calculation and system integration;
  • Research towards implementation of emerging technologies;
  • Extend boundaries of existing solutions, including user interaction and control strategies;
  • Demonstrate the performance of resilient cooling solutions; and
  • Develop recommendations for regulatory contexts.


The identified set of deliverables to be achieved by participants for this project includes:

  • Comprehensive resilient cooling technology profiles including instructions for successful system design, implementation and operation;
  • Specific resilient cooling R&D reports;
  • Well documented case studies and success stories; and
  • Recommendations for the integration of resilient cooling in legislation and standards.

You can find a full list of publications from this Annex here.

This Annex is in the reporting phase. if you are interested in their final results and publications, please contact the operating agent  below. 

Dr. Peter Holzer

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EBC Annex 79 – Occupant-Centric Building Design and Operation

Status: Ongoing (2018 - 2023)

Operating agents:


The project objectives are to:

  • Develop new scientific knowledge about adaptive occupant actions driven by multiple interdependent indoor environmental parameters;
  • Understand interactions between occupants and building systems;
  • Deploy ‘big data’ (e.g. data mining and machine learning) for the building sector based on various sources of building and occupant data as well as sensing technologies;
  • Develop methods and guidelines and preparing standards for integrating occupant models in building design and operation; and
  • Create focused case studies to test the new methods and models in different design and operation phases.


The planned outcomes from the project are as follows:

  • Enhanced scientific knowledge about comfort-driven occupant interactions with building technologies. This includes methodological approaches to examine multistressor effects by environmental influences on human subjects;
  • Informed insight into the potential of various data sources and sensing technologies, as well as applications of data-based methods for knowledge discovery and modelling of occupant behaviour;
  • An open collaboration platform for data and software for supporting the use of data-mining methods and tools for applications within the area of occupant behaviour;
  • A repository of advanced occupant behaviour models for digital planning environments;
  • Proposals for standards and policy support for implementing occupant behaviour simulation in building design and operation practice. This also includes the integration of the models in modern digital planning (BIM) environments; and
  • Guidelines on how to apply occupant models and occupant behaviour issues within building technologies, including user interfaces, as part of everyday design and planning processes.

This Annex is in the reporting phase. if you are interested in their final results and publications, please contact the operating agents  below. 

Liam O’Brien

Andreas Wagner

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EBC Annex 05 - Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre

Status: Ongoing (1979 - 2026)

Operating agents:

  • Prof. Dr. Arnold Janssens, University of Ghent, Belgium
  • Dr Peter Wouters, INIVE eeig, Belgium


  • To be the international centre on research and development in the fields of air infiltration and ventilation
  • To provide a high quality international and technical information forum covering the areas of ventilation and air filtration in the built environment with respect to efficient energy use, good indoor air quality and thermal comfort
  • To convene integrated and combined activities, resulting in different information tools, for example webinars, workshops, position papers, technical papers and so on.


  • Ventilation Information Papers (VIPs), technical notes and contributed reports
  • Publications database - AIRBASE
  • Annual conference
  • Workshops
  • AIVC Website - a reference portal for ventilation related issues
  • AIR Newsletter 

if you are interested in this Annex, please contact the operating agents below.

Prof. Dr. Arnold Janssens

Dr Peter Wouters

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Working Group – Building Energy Codes

Status: Ongoing (2019-present)

Operating agent:

  • Meredydd Evans, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 

Working Group overview

It is widely recognised that building energy codes (also known as building energy standards) are an effective policy tool for improving the energy efficiency of buildings, residential and commercial alike. However, even in communities and other jurisdictions with extensive history in this area, building energy codes are facing key issues, including:

  • A need for faster and easier methods to check the compliance of buildings with the code;
  • A need for greater reliability in the evaluation of code compliance;
  • The substantial amount of time it takes for building codes to integrate research and technology breakthroughs, limiting the energy savings potential of building energy codes;
  • The long-life of buildings and thus attending to the resulting challenge of incorporating energy efficiency into major retrofits of older buildings and the role of buildings energy codes in this;
  • The need to meet ambitious policy objectives including zero net energy construction standards, passive ventilation, etc,; and
  • The challenge of integrating various distributed energy resources including distributed solar, electric vehicles, and grid-interactive and flexible technologies.

In June 2019, the IEA EBC approved the creation of a Working Group (WG) dedicated to the consideration of building energy codes to foster stronger collaboration addressed at these issues.


  • To enhance the understanding of impactful options and practices regarding building energy codes across different countries;
  • To provide methods for cross-national comparison that lead to meaningful information sharing; and
  • To foster collaboration on building energy code issues that leads to enhanced building energy code programs by incorporating new issues and practices.


The work plan for this WG can be found here.


If you would like to learn more, you can contact the Working Group operating agent here:

Meredydd Evans 

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