Roadmap for insulation installation in Australia
In September 2024 the EEC, in collaboration with the Affiliated Insulation Industry Coalition, released the Insulation Installation Roadmap.
The coalition behind the roadmap includes leading industry groups representing the insulation supply chain, manufacturers, the building sector, insulation installers, and electricians.
The roadmap sets out recommended actions that include:
- Enhanced compliance measures for new buildings and major renovations.
- Increased education, training, and certification for installers.
- Stronger government support for insulation installation requirements.
- A holistic approach that integrates insulation with other building efficiency improvements.
Insulation is an essential component of a healthy, comfortable building. Adequate insulation can increase thermal comfort, lower heating and cooling bills, and reduce the prevalence of illness and death. Insulation needs to be properly installed to deliver its full value in both existing and new buildings.
Building on the 2021 Roadmap for Quality Control and Safety in Insulation Installation, which led to a range of collaborative efforts and significant progress within the insulation industry, this fresh roadmap continues the push for safer, more effective insulation practices across Australia. Information on the previous iteration is below.
Roadmap signatories are committed to working with governments to ensure that insulation is installed safely and to a high standard, unlocking maximum benefits for the community.
If you have questions about this work, please contact
Roadmap history
On 18 May 2021 a broad coalition of insulation, building and energy efficiency organisations released a joint Roadmap for quality control and safety in insulation installation. This first roadmap set out a series of actions to ensure insulation is installed following best practice processes for quality control and safety.
The over 40 organisations (see below) that developed and signed the 2021 roadmap committed to working with governments to ensure that insulation is installed properly. The roadmap included actions that industry committed to undertake, and recommendations for actions by governments and other organisations.
In preparation for the roadmap release, EEC's then Head of Policy, Rob Murray-Leach, sat down with Jenny Edwards from Light House Architecture and Science and Felicia Richardson from Enviroflex to discuss the importance of properly installed insulation, professionalisation of the installer workforce and to lay out the Roadmap recommendations. You can revisit that conversation here.
The 2021 roadmap drew on the report Ensuring quality control and safety in insulation installation, which was written by the EEC and the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council, and jointly funded by the Government of New South Wales, the Government of Victoria, Insulation Australasia and the Insulation Council of Australian and New Zealand.
That research report was possible with considerable input from experts in a broad range of fields, including policy makers, insulation manufacturers, insulation installers, the construction industry and experts in building design and sustainability. However, the recommendations in the report are the view of the project team at EEC and ASBEC, and do not necessarily represent the views of any expert with which we consulted.
On 10 February 2022 the Energy Efficiency Council and ASBEC held a public lauch webinar with an overview of the report's recommendations.