

CMVP Training and Exam Program Registrations Open 04 September 2015

The Energy Efficiency Council has announced that it will once again collaborate with the Efficiency Valuation Organisation (EVO) to deliver the Certified Measurement & Verification Training and Examination (CMVP) program in November 2015.

The program will take place in Sydney on 2-4 November 2015 and registrations are now open at

The verification of energy savings is an important aspect of energy management initiatives, and has a direct impact on project financing, greenhouse gas emission credit trading, and energy performance contracting. The most widely accepted protocol worldwide for savings verification is the International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol (IPMVP).

Participants in the CMVP Training Course will learn how to design an M&V strategy for projects that complies with the IPMVP, and to manage the savings verification process for both internal and external reporting.

Places are limited and are expected the program to sell out quickly. Current EEC members receive significant discounts on rates.

For further information and to register, click here.