

Dr. Mary Stewart takes over as President of EEC 16 June 2021

By Luke Menzel

At the end of this month, we will see a change of the guard: Professor Tony Arnel will resign from the Energy Efficiency Council Board after over six years as President. And on 1 July the current Vice-President, Dr. Mary Stewart, will take the reigns as President, with the unanimous support of the Board.

This is a big milestone. Tony has overseen a period of significant growth at the EEC, raising both our profile and our impact. He engaged deeply with members and has played a crucial role in building coalitions with other organisations that have broadened the Council’s scope and reach. And behind the scenes, Tony has been a strong mentor to me and a steady guide to the EEC team. Tony's departure is bittersweet, but he is leaving the Council in great shape. And I'm thrilled that Dr. Mary Stewart is stepping up to the plate as the Council's new President.

A chemical engineer and CEO of energy and climate risk advisory firm Energetics, Mary is a passionate advocate for energy management and the role it can play in a more flexible, twenty-first-century energy system. She has conducted energy efficiency assessments at more than 30 mine sites, is an expert in lifecycle assessment, and is a business observer to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Mary was elected to the Board of the Energy Efficiency Council in 2017 and chaired its Strategy Committee for two years before her appointment as Vice President in 2019. Mary has been a massive contributor around the boardroom table, bringing her deep expertise to bear on topics such as business energy management, energy markets and climate policy.

I'm sure you'll join me in welcoming Mary as the EEC's incoming President. I'm looking forward to working closely with her and the rest of the Board to continue our crucial work on behalf of each and every member of the Energy Efficiency Council.

This article was originally published in the June edition of Efficiency Insight.