Policy & Projects

Policy & Projects

Heat Pump Hot Water System Industry Consultative Group 

In July 2024, the Roadmap for Heat Pump Hot Water Systems (HPHWS) in Australia was released. One of the key recommended actions included in the roadmap was the formation of an industry consultative group (‘ICG’) to advance the goals outlined in the roadmap.

In August 2024, the Energy Efficiency Council, funded by the New South Wales Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, and Solar Victoria within the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, established the ICG.

The ICG’s remit includes:

  • Collaborating on agreed topics to benefit the HPHWS industry.
  • Supporting the progress of the HPHWS Roadmap.
  • Sharing information and knowledge within the industry.
  • Reducing duplicative efforts and fostering a cohesive approach between industry, governments, and regulators.
  • Proactively engaging with governments, including raising emerging strategic issues for the industry.
  • Assisting the government with the development of Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) and energy rating labels for HPHWS, should they be introduced under the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012 (GEMS Act).

ICG membership includes industry associations, unions, professional associations, and training and education bodies. Three working groups—focused on product, installation, and consumer topics—support the ICG's work. These groups include ICG members, technical experts from individual businesses, and other stakeholders.

The project is expected to run until September 2026.

Read more about the HPHWS Roadmap project that informs this work via the project page here.

If you would like to know more about this work please contact Rachael Wilkinson at Rachael.Wilkinson@eec.org.au.