Smart energy management in government operations
Strengthening budgets | slashing emissions
December 2021
All levels of government have significant property holdings, with state and territory governments having particularly large assets. Governments own and occupy over 25 per cent of the commercial building stock in Australia, including schools and hospitals, and run energy-intensive facilities such as water supply and treatment facilities. Consequently, governments use a huge amount of energy.
Better energy management can reduce energy use in facilities by 50 per cent or more, with very significant impacts on both government budgets and policy goals. This document provides guidance for federal, state and local governments on how to manage energy use in their own operations.
The Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council (ASBEC), the Energy Efficiency Council (EEC), the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) and the Property Council of Australia gratefully acknowledge the many organisations and individuals that contributed to the development of this report.
For more information, contact Julianne Tice, Buildings Policy Advisor, at