Policy & Projects

Policy & Projects

Insulation retrofit training

The EEC has worked for several years to make Australian homes healthier and more comfortable through insulation.

We’ve collaborated with the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council on the Ensuring quality control and safety in insulation installation report; brought together a broad coalition to support the industry-led Roadmap for quality control and safety in insulation installation; and in 2022 introduced the Certified Insulation Installer certification as part of the launch of EEC Professional Certifications.

Additional training for insulation retrofitting

The EEC delivered high-quality training output for use by registered training organisations (RTOs) in a short time-frame to support the introduction of the ACT Government’s minimum rental standards. This training enables the development and maintenance of knowledge and skills around the safe, effective installation of insulation in existing buildings.

In a project funded by the ACT Government, the EEC:

  • Established an industry-based competency specification (EEC001 – Prepare for insulation retrofitting within ceiling spaces),
  • Developed training content, and
  • Updated the Certified Insulation Installer certification pre-requisites to include the competency specification and accompanying training content.

Through strong relationships with the insulation industry, state and territory governments and RTOs we developed a fit-for-purpose competency specification, and detailed training content including assessment tasks, model answers and a training video demonstrating the end-to-end process of preparing for insulation retrofitting.

Note: If you are an RTO wishing to deliver training to meet this competency specification, please contact us for more information.

For more information on this project or other Sector Development work, please contact Toby Lawrenson, Sector Development Manager on toby.lawrenson@eec.org.au.