Policy & Projects

Policy & Projects

Lead, accelerate, transform

December 2022

The Energy Efficiency Council in collaboration with adelphi, a German climate think thank, is pleased to announce the launch of Lead, accelerate, transform: Energy efficiency in buildings – insights from a 2022 Australian delegation to Germany

The report provides Australian policy makers with opportunities to enhance its leadership on energy efficiency in Australian buildings, from a country that has put energy efficiency front and centre in its efforts to reach net zero and drive down energy costs.

One of the guiding principles of the Germany Energy Transition is “efficiency first”. The country’s focus on energy efficiency in buildings has helped shape the European Union’s Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) which provides a legislative framework for EU Member states to decarbonise new and existing buildings. At the same time, Germany aims to go beyond the requirements of the EPBD by implementing a comprehensive policy framework that combines ambitious targets and accountability with financial incentives, innovative demonstration projects, minimum standards that increase in stringency over time, and industry-wide capacity building to address market barriers to energy efficiency.

This report is the result of a July 2022 delegation of Australian energy efficiency policy, finance and industry experts, who travelled to Germany on a bilateral knowledge exchange tour, led by Energy Efficiency Council CEO Luke Menzel.

Focussing on Germany’s policy framework for energy efficiency in buildingsthe delegation met with a variety of German government bodies and visited a range of sites showcasing energy efficiency best-practice for both new and existing buildings.

The Australian federal government’s recently renewed commitment to emissions reduction presents an opportunity to lead on emissions reduction through accelerating energy efficiency in buildings and transforming the market for energy efficient products and services. 

A webinar launched the report on 14 December 2022. Find the recording here.