Policy, projects and partnerships
The EEC works on behalf of its members to drive ambitious government policy and support decision-making and growth.
The Council’s expert team of staff and advisors work with governments at the state and federal level, key industry and professional associations, and non-governmental organisations on advocacy campaigns, strategic research, business engagement and industry development projects.
Our advocacy agenda is particularly focused on the following areas:
- Commercial buildings, both existing and new builds;
- Energy efficiency schemes across the ACT, NSW, South Australia and Victoria;
- Energy market reform, including the introduction of a wholesale demand response mechanism;
- Government operations in buildings and facilities;
- Industrial energy management, particularly in manufacturing, agriculture and resources sectors;
- Residential energy efficiency to ensure healthy, comfortable homes for all Australians.
If you're an EEC member and would like to join one or more of the Council's Task Groups focused on the above areas, please email Head of Policy jeremy.sung@eec.org.au
Policy submissions
Click here to view our latest policy submissions.
Our strategic research, business engagement and industry development projects are led by Head of Strategy and Partnerships Holly Taylor.
Active Projects
Putting energy efficiency to work for Business - active project
Launched in May 2024 during the EEC National Conference, ANZ and the EEC released Putting energy efficiency to work, the second in the Forgotten Fuel Series highlighting the significant contribution of energy efficiency and electrification to cutting energy bills and decarbonising the Australian economy.
Heat pump hot water systems roadmap
This project supports the decarbonisation of domestic hot water systems across Australia by considering market development opportunities for heat pump hot water systems powered by renewable energy.
Forgotten Fuel Series
Launched in May 2023 during the EEC National Conference, ANZ and the EEC released Putting energy efficiency to work, the first in a new series highlighting the significant contribution of energy efficiency and electrification to cutting energy bills and decarbonising the Australian economy.
Residential energy upgrades workforce mapping
This project maps the skills and knowledge needed to upgrade Australia’s homes – and build new homes better – with a particular emphasis on thermal performance and efficient electrification.
Careers for Net Zero
Launched in October 2023, the Careers for Net Zero project showcases the many career opportunities to help deliver an equitable, prosperous, net zero emissions Australia.
Commercial building energy upgrades workforce mapping
In October 2023, the EEC and NSW Government released a new report which seeks to clarify the professional development pathways for trades and professionals involved in decarbonising Australia’s commercial buildings.
Insulation retrofit training
In March 2023, the EEC collaborated with the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council on the Ensuring quality control and safety in insulation installation report; with the overall goal to make Australian homes healthier and more comfortable through insulation.
Harnessing heat pumps for net zero
Launched in June 2022 with a flagship report, this project is focused on providing an overarching, multi-sectoral analysis of the interaction between heat pump adoption, economic sectors, policy and regulations, and goals such as emissions reduction.
EEC Professional Certifications Framework
Launched in June 2022, EEC Professional Certifications brings governments and industry together to build the capacity and capability of Australia’s energy and related services professionals and tradespeople.
Insulation installer certification
In March 2022, The Clean Energy Council transferred its insulation installer program to the EEC. We are now responsible for training and certification of insulation installers as an essential step in enabling quality, safe insulation installations in Australian homes and commercial buildings.
Past Projects
Lead, accelerate, transform: Energy efficiency in buildings – insights from a 2022 Australian delegation to Germany, December 2022
A report providing Australian policy makers with opportunities to enhance its leadership on energy efficiency in Australian buildings, from a country that has put energy efficiency front and centre in its efforts to reach net zero
Navigating a dynamic energy landscape, 2018 – 2021
An executive-level briefing designed to help businesses confidently navigate Australia’s dynamic energy landscape.
Smart energy management in government operations,December 2021
A guide encouraging governments to implement and scale up centralised energy management programs as a critical first step towards decarbonisation.
Determining office tenancies energy end use,June 2021
A report seeking to establish energy savings opportunities available in office tenancies to 2030.
Further, faster, together: Opportunities for collaboration between Germany and Australia on energy efficiency in buildings, June 2021
A report identifying priority areas for collaboration between Germany and Australia on energy efficiency in residential and commercial buildings.
Roadmap for quality control and safety in insulation, May 2021
With a broad coalition of insulation, building and energy efficiency organisations, this report sets out a series of actions to ensure insulation is installed following best practice processes.
The impacts of COVID19 on the energy management sector, July 2020
Assessing the impacts of COVID-19 on the energy management sector.
Pivot – Rebound – Transform: a practical plan for rapidly transforming the energy management market that supports Australian industry, June 2020
Energy efficiency employment in Australia, February 2019
An analysis of current and potential jobs created by saving energy in Australia.
Australian Manufacturing: Gas Efficiency Guide, August 2018
a comprehensive resource setting out practical and proven measures that deliver energy and cost savings in gas-intensive manufacturing operations.
Accelerated depreciation for small business, June 2018
a set of materials to help small business owners and energy efficiency service providers make use of the 2018 Federal Government extension to the $20,000 small business instant asset write-off initiative.
Energy bills & energy efficiency: a survey of community views, April 2018
The Australian Council of Social Services, the Property Council of Australia and EEC commissioned YouGov Galaxy to survey Australians on energy policy, with a focus on energy efficiency.
Complementary measures to minimum rental energy performance standards
All homes should be comfortable, healthy, and affordable to run. But poor energy performance and a lack of basic weatherproofing means that too many renters in Australia are paying high energy bills and living in homes that are too hot in summer and too cold in winter.
Regulated minimum energy performance standards are an important response to the poor energy performance of Australia’s rental homes. However, there is a lower level of consensus on the other additional or complementary policy measures that governments should adopt alongside this core policy.
Complementary policy measures may have a role in supporting the implementation of minimum standards, encouraging energy improvements to rental homes beyond regulated minimum standards, or mitigating stakeholder concerns in relation to implementation.
In partnership with national NGO Better Renting, EEC has conducted an analysis of complementary policy measures available to governments to enable the implementation of minimum energy performance standards for renters.
We find that complementary measures can play a role in addressing non-financial barriers to rental upgrades; that governments may consider incentives as a response to financial barriers; that government policy should leverage existing decision points and processes such as lease agreements or advertising; and that social licence for minimum rental standards can be strengthened if considered in the design of complementary measures.
Read the Policy and discussion paper here
ANZ & EEC's Forgotten Fuel series
Putting energy efficiency to work
On Thursday 25 May 2023, ANZ and the EEC released Putting energy efficiency to work, a new report highlighting to everyday Australians the significant contribution of energy efficiency and electrification to cutting energy bills and decarbonising the Australian economy.
You can read the report online now, download the PDF to read later, or listen to ANZ Institutional's On Air 'energy, efficiency & the bottom line' podcast episode with Tsen Wong, Head of Energy Transition at ANZ and the EEC's Head of Projects, Holly Taylor.
Released at the National Energy Efficiency Conference in Sydney, the report contains newly commissioned independent modelling from Northmore Gordon that demonstrates the role that energy efficiency could and should play in achieving Australia's emissions reductions goals.
On June 13, Holly hosted a webinar with Tsen from ANZ, Craig Morgan and Huon Seymour from Northmore Gordon, and the EEC's very own Alex St John, where they unpacked the modelling behind the recent report. Watch the webinar recording here and access the slides here.
You can access the Northmore Gordon Energy efficiency scenario modelling research here.
Putting energy efficiency to work is the first report in ANZ and the EEC’s Forgotten Fuel series. The second and third reports will have a deeper focus on the benefits of and opportunities for energy efficiency in businesses and households.
Read Putting energy efficiency to work now.
Putting Energy Efficiency to work for business
With more than two million small businesses in Australia, contributing almost a third of total GDP, there is a significant opportunity for SMEs to reduce their energy use and advance Australia’s net zero emissions goal.
On Thursday 16 May 2024, ANZ and the EEC released Putting energy efficiency to work for business, a new report in the 'forgotten fuel' series that highlights the significant contribution energy efficiency and electrification can make to creating energy savings and emissions reductions for Australian businesses.
The first report in the series, Putting energy efficiency to work, was published in May 2023, focussing on the wider Australian economy, and the contribution of demand-side measures to decarbonising and cutting bills across the country.
This latest report includes case studies from ANZ customers to illustrate the practical steps real Australians are taking to use energy efficiency measures in their business practices, and the positive impacts those measures have created.
Residential energy upgrades workforce mapping project
As Australia's net zero transformation kicks into gear, we need to ensure that we have the right people, in the right places, at the right time to deliver the necessary energy upgrades to make all homes healthy, comfortable, decarbonised and low energy cost.
Many homes in Australia are leaky, poorly insulated and have high emissions, especially older homes built before minimum energy efficiency and thermal comfort standards were introduced. The task of upgrading millions of homes is becoming increasingly urgent as our emissions reduction targets draw closer and climate extremes increase.
At present, we don’t have enough appropriately skilled people to deliver the massive scale of energy upgrades needed. This ‘residential energy upgrades workforce mapping’ project is looking to help accelerate the development and deployment of the residential energy upgrade workforce to address this issue.
This project will map the skills and knowledge needed to upgrade Australia’s homes – and build our new homes even better, with a particular emphasis on thermal performance and efficient electrification. It will identify how to improve the current capability and capacity of the residential energy upgrade industry, including by identifying the professional development pathways into key roles, and any gaps in existing training within these professional development pathways.
Ultimately, the EEC will present recommended priority actions and next steps for industry and government in the form of a ‘residential energy upgrades workforce development roadmap’.
The roadmao is expected to be released in October 2023.
You can learn more about the project here.
Initial public forum
The EEC held a public forum on Monday 20 March from 3:30pm to 5pm AEDT. The project team provided stakeholders with an overview of the project, and attendees had a chance to raise questions and queries, and provided the project team with some initial feedback.
Slides from the forum can be found here.
Second public forum
The EEC, with the support of the Institute for Sustainable futures, will hold a second public consultation forum to discuss the initial outcomes of the workforce mapping. Further details to be confirmed.
For more information on this project, please contact Karla Paeglis, Head of Workforce Development on karla.paeglis@eec.org.au.
Heat Pump Hot Water System Industry Consultative Group
In July 2024, the Roadmap for Heat Pump Hot Water Systems (HPHWS) in Australia was released. One of the key recommended actions included in the roadmap was the formation of an industry consultative group (‘ICG’) to advance the goals outlined in the roadmap.
In August 2024, the Energy Efficiency Council, funded by the New South Wales Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, and Solar Victoria within the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, established the ICG.
The ICG’s remit includes:
- Collaborating on agreed topics to benefit the HPHWS industry.
- Supporting the progress of the HPHWS Roadmap.
- Sharing information and knowledge within the industry.
- Reducing duplicative efforts and fostering a cohesive approach between industry, governments, and regulators.
- Proactively engaging with governments, including raising emerging strategic issues for the industry.
- Assisting the government with the development of Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) and energy rating labels for HPHWS, should they be introduced under the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012 (GEMS Act).
ICG membership includes industry associations, unions, professional associations, and training and education bodies. Three working groups—focused on product, installation, and consumer topics—support the ICG's work. These groups include ICG members, technical experts from individual businesses, and other stakeholders.
The project is expected to run until September 2026.
Read more about the HPHWS Roadmap project that informs this work via the project page here.
If you would like to know more about this work please contact Rachael Wilkinson at Rachael.Wilkinson@eec.org.au.
Roadmap for Heat Pump Hot Water Systems in Australia
Building quality, confidence, and the market
Heat pump hot water systems (HPHWS) are an energy-efficient electric technology for providing hot water services. As they are significantly more energy efficient compared with alternate technologies, HPHWS provide an important opportunity for reducing energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
In July 2024, the Energy Efficiency Council, funded by the New South Wales Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and Solar Victoria within the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA), launched the Roadmap for Heat Pump Hot Water Systems in Australia.
Signed by a diverse cross-section of HPHWS industry stakeholders, the roadmap expresses a shared vision in which Australians save money and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions using high quality HPHWS products, underpinned by a modernised regulatory environment.
Signatories to the roadmap are committed to taking meaningful action to:
• Build industry leadership in Australia.
• Foster excellence through quality products and professional installation.
• Promote a sustainable industry for the long-term.
• Accelerate emissions reduction and support an equitable transition.
Read the background Report on the Roadmap for Heat Pump Hot Water Systems in Australia.
Read the EEC HPHWS roadmap media release Government and industry work together to accelerate Australia's heat pump hot water system take-up
If you have questions about the roadmap, contact EEC Advisor Rachael Wilkinson at Rachael.Wilkinson@eec.org.au.
Roadmap for insulation installation in Australia
In September 2024 the EEC, in collaboration with the Affiliated Insulation Industry Coalition, released the Insulation Installation Roadmap.
The coalition behind the roadmap includes leading industry groups representing the insulation supply chain, manufacturers, the building sector, insulation installers, and electricians.
The roadmap sets out recommended actions that include:
- Enhanced compliance measures for new buildings and major renovations.
- Increased education, training, and certification for installers.
- Stronger government support for insulation installation requirements.
- A holistic approach that integrates insulation with other building efficiency improvements.
Insulation is an essential component of a healthy, comfortable building. Adequate insulation can increase thermal comfort, lower heating and cooling bills, and reduce the prevalence of illness and death. Insulation needs to be properly installed to deliver its full value in both existing and new buildings.
Building on the 2021 Roadmap for Quality Control and Safety in Insulation Installation, which led to a range of collaborative efforts and significant progress within the insulation industry, this fresh roadmap continues the push for safer, more effective insulation practices across Australia. Information on the previous iteration is below.
Roadmap signatories are committed to working with governments to ensure that insulation is installed safely and to a high standard, unlocking maximum benefits for the community.
If you have questions about this work, please contact Rachael.Wilkinson@eec.org.au.
Roadmap history
On 18 May 2021 a broad coalition of insulation, building and energy efficiency organisations released a joint Roadmap for quality control and safety in insulation installation. This first roadmap set out a series of actions to ensure insulation is installed following best practice processes for quality control and safety.
The over 40 organisations (see below) that developed and signed the 2021 roadmap committed to working with governments to ensure that insulation is installed properly. The roadmap included actions that industry committed to undertake, and recommendations for actions by governments and other organisations.
In preparation for the roadmap release, EEC's then Head of Policy, Rob Murray-Leach, sat down with Jenny Edwards from Light House Architecture and Science and Felicia Richardson from Enviroflex to discuss the importance of properly installed insulation, professionalisation of the installer workforce and to lay out the Roadmap recommendations. You can revisit that conversation here.
The 2021 roadmap drew on the report Ensuring quality control and safety in insulation installation, which was written by the EEC and the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council, and jointly funded by the Government of New South Wales, the Government of Victoria, Insulation Australasia and the Insulation Council of Australian and New Zealand.
That research report was possible with considerable input from experts in a broad range of fields, including policy makers, insulation manufacturers, insulation installers, the construction industry and experts in building design and sustainability. However, the recommendations in the report are the view of the project team at EEC and ASBEC, and do not necessarily represent the views of any expert with which we consulted.
On 10 February 2022 the Energy Efficiency Council and ASBEC held a public lauch webinar with an overview of the report's recommendations.
Opportunities for collaboration between Germany and Australia on energy efficiency in buildings
Energy efficiency policy, programs, and technology are an important area for bilateral cooperation between Australia and Germany.
In September 2019, cooperation between Australia and Germany on these matters was formalised with the establishment of an industry-led Sub Working Group on energy efficiency, currently co-chaired by Luke Menzel, CEO of the Australian Energy Efficiency Council, and Susann Bollman, Member of the Executive Board, Head of Projects and Financial Forum, Energy Efficiency, at the German Business Initiative for Energy Efficiency (DENEFF). With the upcoming formalisation to the Australia-Germany Energy and Climate Partnership, the group will be renamed as the Working Group for Energy Efficiency and Net Zero Transition.
The Working Group recognises that both the German and Australian Governments are acting to harness energy efficiency to lower carbon emissions and support the broader energy transition. The aim of the Working Group is to accelerate efforts in both nations through enhanced cooperation.
This ongoing collaboration has already resulted in the publication of the first Further, faster, together report in 2021; an Australian delegation of energy efficiency experts visiting Germany in July 2022; and a German delegation visiting Australia to attend the EEC’s conference in May 2023. This visit informed the content for the second report in the Further, faster, together series.
For further information, contact Amelia Jarrett, EEC Policy Advisor at amelia.jarrett@eec.org.au.
In June 2021 the Energy Efficiency Council, in partnership with the German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce and adelphi, released a report identifying priority areas for collaboration between Germany and Australia on energy efficiency in residential and commercial buildings. Read the report here.
In August 2024 the Energy Efficiency Council, with support from adelphi and funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, released the second report in the series, focussing on industrial energy management and decarbonisation. Read the report here.
Careers for Net Zero showcases the many career opportunities that will help deliver an equitable, prosperous and net zero emissions Australia.
Careers for Net Zero is a joint initiative of the Clean Energy Council and Energy Efficiency Council, with the support of Ai Group, Australian Power Institute, Boundless Earth and Engineers Australia.
Learn more at careersfornetzero.org.au.
Careers for Net Zero was launched at the inaugural Careers for Net Zero Fair in October 2023, which was attended by Victorian Premier, the Hon. Jacinta Allan MP, Commonwealth Minister for Skills and Training, the Hon Brendan O’Connor MP, Victorian Minister for Energy, Resources and Climate Action the Hon. Lily D’Ambrosio MP, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Atlassian and Chair of Boundless Earth, Mike Cannon-Brookes, and a host of other leading industry, education and training sector, and civil society representatives.
Learn more about the launch event here.
The CEC and EEC, along with a lot of other leading voices, are committed to ensuring that we have a clean economy workforce to achieve Australia’s 2030 and 2050 emissions reduction goals. The campaign associated with Careers for Net Zero is underpinned by three goals:
1. Growing the clean economy workforceEnsuring the clean economy workforce is appropriately sized and skilled to enable a rapid transition to an equitable, prosperous and net zero emissions economy.
2. Empowering everyday Aussies to make a differenceEnabling students, graduates and experienced workers to find their role in Australia’s clean economy.
3. Moving beyond ambition to actionSupporting government and industry to co-create and deliver an effective workforce development strategy for the clean economy, and education and training systems that can rapidly scale to meet our net zero emissions goal.
Learn more at careersfornetzero.org.au.
Commercial building energy upgrades workforce mapping report
In October 2023, the EEC and NSW Government released a new report Commercial building energy upgrades workforce mapping, which seeks to clarify the professional development pathways for trades and professionals that are involved in decarbonising Australia’s commercial buildings.
The report highlights the key roles that are required to perform energy upgrades on, and support the decarbonisation of, Australia’s existing commercial building stock. There is significant work required to improve thermal envelopes, reduce heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC) and lighting loads, as well as optimising commercial building operations and performance where possible.
The report identifies 14 key roles that are critical to the decarbonisation of Australia’s commercial buildings. Yet it also highlights that many of the individuals in these key roles do not generally have adequate knowledge and skills regarding energy management as it relates to their roles. Similarly, the current workforce is not ready to electrify Australia’s commercial building stock, which is necessary to support Australia’s decarbonisation efforts.
The report recommends building a toolkit for workforce development to deliver commercial building energy upgrades. This involves six key activities:
Utilise procurement and regulatory levers to create demand;
Unlock scale through integrated policy drivers;
Attract workers to the sector with clear entry and upskilling pathways;
Catalyse development of systemic education and training;
Build strong industry links and communities of practice; and
Create confidence, expertise and awareness through initial investment.
Career profiles that were developed as part of this report – see Appendix 1 – have been included on the new Careers for Net Zero website, where you can find more information about the professional development pathways into these roles, as well as upskilling opportunities. Browse these roles now:
The Commercial building energy upgrades workforce mapping report was proudly funded by the
Insulation retrofit training
The EEC has worked for several years to make Australian homes healthier and more comfortable through insulation.
We’ve collaborated with the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council on the Ensuring quality control and safety in insulation installation report; brought together a broad coalition to support the industry-led Roadmap for quality control and safety in insulation installation; and in 2022 introduced the Certified Insulation Installer certification as part of the launch of EEC Professional Certifications.
Additional training for insulation retrofitting
The EEC delivered high-quality training output for use by registered training organisations (RTOs) in a short time-frame to support the introduction of the ACT Government’s minimum rental standards. This training enables the development and maintenance of knowledge and skills around the safe, effective installation of insulation in existing buildings.
In a project funded by the ACT Government, the EEC:
- Established an industry-based competency specification (EEC001 – Prepare for insulation retrofitting within ceiling spaces),
- Developed training content, and
- Updated the Certified Insulation Installer certification pre-requisites to include the competency specification and accompanying training content.
Through strong relationships with the insulation industry, state and territory governments and RTOs we developed a fit-for-purpose competency specification, and detailed training content including assessment tasks, model answers and a training video demonstrating the end-to-end process of preparing for insulation retrofitting.
Note: If you are an RTO wishing to deliver training to meet this competency specification, please contact us for more information.
For more information on this project or other Sector Development work, please contact Toby Lawrenson, Sector Development Manager on toby.lawrenson@eec.org.au.
Harnessing heat pumps for net zero
The role of heat pumps in emissions reduction is an area of intense interest in countries around the world. While this project is primarily focused on the Australian market, it will identify opportunities for global collaboration that would support efforts to unlock the potential of heat pumps here in Australia. Specifically, the purpose of this project is to:
- Build an evidence base for the role, application and potential impact of heat pumps in decarbonising Australian buildings and industry;
- Identify opportunities and gaps to inform government policy and programs, efforts in research, development and demonstration (RD&D), standards, and workforce development required to realise the abatement opportunity of heat pumps; and
- Inform investment opportunities in low emissions technologies.
The project was funded by the Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), and jointly delivered by the Energy Efficiency Council and the Australian Alliance for Energy Productivity.
This project is focused on providing an overarching, multi-sectoral analysis of the interaction between heat pump adoption, economic sectors, policy and regulations, and goals such as emissions reduction. Specifically, the report that will be produced as part of this project will provide guidance to governments and other stakeholders on the role of heat pumps in reducing emissions.
The research and analysis will focus on heat pump applications in:
- Residential buildings;
- Commercial buildings; and
- Industry.
Most of the future opportunity for heat pumps – both in terms of market growth and abatement potential – exists in these sectors, which is why these sectors have been included in the project scope.
The report has found that heat pumps can achieve potential cumulative energy savings of up to 14,391 PJ and up to 747 MtCO2e to 2050, with the added benefit of reducing exposure to volatile global gas markets.
The report can be downloaded here.
EEC Professional Certifications Framework
As announced in October 2021, since 2013 the Energy Efficiency Council has administered the Energy Efficiency Certification Scheme (EECS), which certifies professionals that can lead integrated building energy retrofits (IBERs) of commercial buildings, and has supported the role out of Victoria's Greener Government Buildings (GGB) Program and NSW's Government Resource Efficiency Program (GREP), amongst other commerial buildings programs.
The EEC is working collaboratively with the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER), the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and the New South Wales Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) to redesign the Scheme into an ‘umbrella certification framework’ - the EEC Professional Certifications Framework - under which multiple professional certifications and associated training programs will sit, including:
- Certified Emissions Reduction Leaders - Commercial Buildings, replacing the existing EECS certifications;
- Certified EnMS Advisors;
- Certified Insulation Installers.
The EEC Professional Certifications Framework will be launched in late June, with certifications being awarded from 1 July 2022.
If you’d like to know more about the EEC Professional Certifications Framework, please contact Toby Lawrenson, Sector Development Manager on toby.lawrenson@eec.org.au.
Certified Insulation Installer
Insulation is an essential component of healthy, comfortable buildings and supports Australia’s energy transition by reducing energy demand and facilitating flexibility of heating and cooling services.
The Roadmap for quality control and safety in insulation installation – developed by a coalition of industry associations and released in May 2021 – identified training and certification of insulation installers as an essential step in enabling quality, safe insulation installations in Australian homes and commercial buildings.
In pursuit of this goal, an insulation installer program has been administered by the Clean Energy Council (CEC) since 2013. The program has been critical to enabling the safe and effective installation of insulation in Australia, but it needs to grow to scale impact. Acknowledging this and that the program no longer aligns with CEC’s core priorities, the CEC announced that it will discontinue the installer program after 31 March 2022, passing the baton to the Energy Efficiency Council (EEC).
The program is initially being taken on by the EEC on an interim basis until 30 June 2023 to enable a review of skills and training needs to ensure the program effectively facilitates the availability of qualified installers to deliver quality insulation installations across Australia. Recommendations from the review will be implemented and the improved program will operate from 1 July 2023.
For more information, please see below and here.
Please direct any questions regarding certification to certifications@eec.org.au.
Clean Energy Council passes the baton of insulation installer certification to the Energy Efficiency Council in 2022
Insulation is an essential component of healthy, comfortable buildings. The Roadmap for quality control and safety in insulation installation – which was developed by a coalition of industry associations and released in May 2021 – identified training and certification of insulation installers as an essential step in enabling quality, safe insulation installations in Australian homes and commercial buildings.
As announced in December 2021, with the rapid growth of the renewables industry and the Energy Efficiency Council’s (EEC) recent deep engagement with the insulation industry, the Clean Energy Council (CEC) has decided to pass the baton for managing the insulation installer certification program to the EEC. The CEC will stop processing new insulation installer applications from 1 April 2022, with the EEC beginning to do so from 1 July 2022, which will come into effect under the new umbrella certification framework that will be launched in the coming months.
The EEC will be managing the Insulation Installer Certification on an interim basis until 31 June 2023, with a review of needs undertaken in advance of then to ensure that the program effectively facilitates the availability of qualified installers to deliver quality insulation installations. Permanent arrangements will be announced in due course. Considering this, the CEC’s current program will be largely replicated under the interim arrangement with the EEC. However, the EEC will begin public consultation in early 2022 to ensure that the certification meets industry, government and consumer needs.
Lead, accelerate, transform
December 2022
The Energy Efficiency Council in collaboration with adelphi, a German climate think thank, is pleased to announce the launch of Lead, accelerate, transform: Energy efficiency in buildings – insights from a 2022 Australian delegation to Germany.
The report provides Australian policy makers with opportunities to enhance its leadership on energy efficiency in Australian buildings, from a country that has put energy efficiency front and centre in its efforts to reach net zero and drive down energy costs.
One of the guiding principles of the Germany Energy Transition is “efficiency first”. The country’s focus on energy efficiency in buildings has helped shape the European Union’s Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) which provides a legislative framework for EU Member states to decarbonise new and existing buildings. At the same time, Germany aims to go beyond the requirements of the EPBD by implementing a comprehensive policy framework that combines ambitious targets and accountability with financial incentives, innovative demonstration projects, minimum standards that increase in stringency over time, and industry-wide capacity building to address market barriers to energy efficiency.
This report is the result of a July 2022 delegation of Australian energy efficiency policy, finance and industry experts, who travelled to Germany on a bilateral knowledge exchange tour, led by Energy Efficiency Council CEO Luke Menzel.
Focussing on Germany’s policy framework for energy efficiency in buildings, the delegation met with a variety of German government bodies and visited a range of sites showcasing energy efficiency best-practice for both new and existing buildings.
The Australian federal government’s recently renewed commitment to emissions reduction presents an opportunity to lead on emissions reduction through accelerating energy efficiency in buildings and transforming the market for energy efficient products and services.
A webinar launched the report on 14 December 2022. Find the recording here.
Please go to energybriefing.org.au for the latest Navigating a dynamic energy landscape resources, including the latest edition of the energy briefing, sector spotlights, energy 101s and more
There is an enormous amount of information on energy in the public domain, yet it can be hard for business leaders to extract what matters for their businesses.
Navigating a dynamic energy landscape is an executive-level briefing designed to cut through the noise and help businesses confidently navigate Australia’s dynamic energy landscape.
This regular briefing provides:
- An update on the key drivers of business energy costs;
- An analysis of the latest trends impacting Australia’s energy markets;
- An overview of how leading businesses are taking control of their energy position by investing in energy efficiency, demand management and renewable generation; and
- Suggestions for businesses looking for expert and financial support.
The sector spotlights and other resources that accompany the briefing exist to support this aim.
The Energy Efficiency Council regularly refreshes the briefing with up to date data, analysis, recommendations, and case studies.
You can sign up to receive updates when new editions are released here.
Smart energy management in government operations
Strengthening budgets | slashing emissions
December 2021
All levels of government have significant property holdings, with state and territory governments having particularly large assets. Governments own and occupy over 25 per cent of the commercial building stock in Australia, including schools and hospitals, and run energy-intensive facilities such as water supply and treatment facilities. Consequently, governments use a huge amount of energy.
Better energy management can reduce energy use in facilities by 50 per cent or more, with very significant impacts on both government budgets and policy goals. This document provides guidance for federal, state and local governments on how to manage energy use in their own operations.
The Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council (ASBEC), the Energy Efficiency Council (EEC), the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) and the Property Council of Australia gratefully acknowledge the many organisations and individuals that contributed to the development of this report.
For more information, contact Julianne Tice, Buildings Policy Advisor, at julianne.tice@eec.org.au
Office building energy costs are often borne by two different groups: owners and tenants. While owners are typically responsible for the base building including foyers, lifts, HVAC, and bathrooms, tenants generally cover the lighting, IT and other ‘plug load’ or appliances in their tenanted space. The Energy Efficiency Council (EEC) was engaged by the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER) to conduct research to determine office tenancies energy end use. The purpose of the research is to determine:
- The proportion of office buildings’ energy use attributable to office tenants;
- The proportion of office tenants’ energy use attributable to lighting, supplementary heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) and plug-load;
- The breakdown – by average value and energy intensity – of office tenants’ energy use attributable to lighting, supplementary HVAC and plug-load energy use, broken down by office equipment type; and
- How these figures are anticipated to change between 2020 and 2030, and what this means for the relative size of energy savings opportunities for office tenancies.
This research demonstrates the relative size of energy savings opportunities for office tenancies. It aims to facilitate the uptake of and investment in energy upgrades that offer the largest energy and emissions savings for office tenancies.
Note: The bulk of this research was completed between July and November 2020. In April 2021, once the relevant data was collected, additional research was completed to determine the proportion of an office tenancy’s energy consumption attributable to supplementary HVAC.
The report looks at the main uses for energy and seeks to establish the energy savings opportunities available in office tenancies to 2030. The report’s objective is to facilitate the uptake of and investment in energy upgrades that offer the largest energy and emissions savings for tenancies.
Download the report here.
The impacts of COVID-19 on the energy management sector in the period March 2020 to July 2020
In March 2020 the Government of New South Wales and the Government of Victoria commissioned the Energy Efficiency Council (EEC) to assess the impacts of COVID-19 on the energy management sector to help inform the response of various organisations to the impacts of COVID-19.
This report – The impacts of COVID-19 on the energy management sector in the period March 2020 to July 2020 – is now being publicly released. It is important to note this report covers only five months: March to July 2020. This was a time of significant flux in which everyone – industry, government and beyond – were racing to come to grips with the health and economic impacts of COVID-19.
As such, it is a snapshot in time. There have been significant changes in the market for energy management services and goods since July 2020, including changes driven by policy announcements by governments.
The views set out in the report are solely those of the Energy Efficiency Council, and do not represent the views of either of the governments that funded the report nor the people interviewed for the report. However, this project would not have been possible without the incredibly generous contribution of time from senior executives and experts from a broad cross-section of the energy management industry. And we believe this contribution was timely, providing governments with critical information on the impacts of COVID-19 on the energy management sector.
The report found that the COVID-19 pandemic has already had major impacts on the energy management sector in this period, including:
- In March and April 2020, social distancing measures and community concerns effectively prevented on-site energy efficiency upgrades in homes and businesses. This impact appears to have been temporary and, with the adoption of appropriate hygiene measures, many energy management activities resumed.
- Households significantly increased their expenditure on ‘home improvement’, including low-cost energy management measures such as do-it-yourself (DIY) draught-sealing and insulation. This is likely due to people spending more time at home, and therefore seeking to improve their comfort and reduce their energy bills. (It appears that this trend may be persisting in 2021, with household interest in the thermal comfort of homes remaining higher than before the pandemic.)
- While businesses were focused on reducing costs such as energy, many froze capital expenditure, including on energy projects. This had a serious impact on some energy management providers. However, some energy users were still paying for advisory services and / or investing in non-capital measures (e.g. system optimisation) and measures that are subsidised by government programs (e.g. lighting upgrades).
The report also found that the impact of COVID-19 on the energy management sector was being significantly shaped by governments’ policy decisions, including JobKeeper and JobSeeker. In addition, we found that many energy efficiency programs were acting as de facto stimulus programs, ensuring that investment occurred in energy efficiency.
The report recommended that governments prioritise energy management in economic stimulus packages, as energy efficiency is: jobs-intensive; suited to counter-cyclical investment; and delivers on other policy goals. The report identified a number of prospective policy measures that could drive immediate stimulus, including:
- Upgrading the energy efficiency of government facilities, such as office buildings, hospitals, schools and water treatment plants. This measure is very well suited to stimulus because it can be ramped up quickly, will ensure that high-skilled professionals remain in the industry and it is counter-cyclical, delivering billions of dollars in reduced energy and maintenance costs;
- Building and retrofitting public housing. Governments have control of all the necessary levers to deliver high-quality results with this measure, it will help retain employment in the construction sector and deliver multiple benefits;
- Retrofitting private housing. The reduction in Australian immigration rates will result in a significant reduction in demand for new private housing – incentives for retrofitting existing dwellings will absorb many of the jobs which are likely to be lost in new construction and deliver a significant improvement in community health and energy affordability;
- Supporting better energy management in businesses, with a focus on installing sub-metering for large energy users and a Smart Energy Fund to support the retrofit of specific types of commercial buildings; and
- Training and accreditation. Basic training will help many existing trades and professions shift to delivering high-quality energy efficiency upgrades.
Download The impacts of COVID-19 on the energy management sector in the period March 2020 to July 2020
Pivot – Rebound – Transform: A practical plan for rapidly transforming the energy management market that supports Australian industry
In June 2020 the Energy Efficiency Council and Australian Industry Group released Pivot – Rebound – Transform: a practical plan for rapidly transforming the energy management market that supports Australian industry.
The report highlights the crucial role of a vibrant energy and emissions management sector that supports Australian industry to build a new energy advantage while lowering emissions. It progresses the crucial debate of transforming the energy management market for energy-intensive businesses, which must pivot, rebound, and then transform while supporting Australian industry.
The report was prepared by an independent group of energy and carbon experts convened by the Energy Efficiency Council.
Read the report here.
Read the media release here.
Energy efficiency has played a key role in improving Australians’ wealth, health and wellbeing. More efficient businesses are more productive, and more efficient homes are cooler in summer, warmer in winter, healthier and cheaper to run. Improving the energy efficiency of Australian homes and businesses is the largest opportunity we have to reduce households’ energy bills.
To date, very little work has been undertaken to estimate the number of people employed in energy efficiency in Australia. The Energy Efficiency Council and the Energy Savings Industry Association commissioned Green Energy Markets to estimate:
- Upper and lower bound estimates of the number of people currently working in energy efficiency activities in Australia. The estimates of current employment figures are based on a range of existing sources of information; and
- The employment that would be created by government policies that drive the adoption of a series of technologically mature energy efficiency upgrades to homes and businesses.
Green Energy Markets’ analysis suggested that there are large numbers of current workers in energy efficiency – in fact there are more FTE in energy efficiency than any other part of the energy sector. This scale of employment makes common sense – Australia has tens of millions of buildings and units of energy-using equipment, and a large workforce is required to build, use and maintain these assets. Green Energy Markets also found that, if Australian governments were to adopt policies aimed as accelerating energy efficiency improvement of this large number of assets, it would generate significant levels of employment.
Our energy efficiency workforce has been hiding in plain sight. This report shines a light into a major part of our economy that is worthy of far more attention.
Read the full report
Read the executive summary
Australian Manufacturing: Gas Efficiency Guide is a comprehensive resource that sets out practical and proven measures that deliver energy and cost savings in gas-intensive manufacturing operations.
The Guide sets out a range of options for manufacturers that wish to reduce their reliance on gas, including:
- maintenance improvements;
- replacing old and inefficient equipment;
- smart redesigns of industrial processes; and
- shifting from gas to other energy sources.
The Guide is a joint initiative of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, the Energy Efficiency Council and the Australian Industry Group.
You can download the Guide here.
On Thursday 4 October 2018, the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, Energy Efficiency Council and Ai Group hosted a live, interactive online event to unpack and expand upon the guide.
You can download the webinar recording and slides to hear from Tennant Reed (Ai Group), Michael East (Out Performers) and Luke Menzel (Energy Efficiency Council) on how gas-intensive businesses can reduce their energy costs and reduce their reliance on gas to remain cost competitive.
In the 2018 Budget, the Federal Government announced a further extension to the $20,000 small business instant asset write-off initiative. This initiative allows businesses with an annual turnover of up to $10 million to immediately deduct for the cost of each business asset up to $20,000, improving cash flow and helping them to reinvest in their business and replace or upgrade their assets.
The Energy Efficiency Council, with the support from the City of Sydney, has produced a set of materials to help small business owners, energy efficiency service providers and small business advisors make use of this initiative.
Many energy efficiency projects in small businesses typically require less than $20,000 or less than $20,000 per asset. For example, it could include a $15,000 lighting upgrade, a $10,000 controls upgrade and a $10,000 investment in insulation. Similarly, an investment of $20,000 in renewable energy could buy a 15 kW solar power system or a 3 – 5 kW wind turbine (costs net of renewable energy certificates).
The materials will help small business owners make use of the Federal Government small business instant asset write-off initiative to boost their energy efficiency. It will develop new tools and materials and get them into the hands and minds of business owners, energy efficiency service providers and small business advisors.
Download a copy of the materials here.
Further information is available from the Australian Tax Office. If in doubt speak with your trusted financial adviser before making your purchase to ensure both you and your small business will benefit.
Survey of community views by YouGov Galaxy
April 2018
In many parts of Australia electricity prices have almost doubled and wholesale gas prices have more than tripled over the last decade. Many Australians are struggling with high energy bills. Helping homes and businesses save energy is a highly effective way to reduce energy bills while improving energy security and sustainability.
The Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS), the Property Council of Australia (PCA) and the Energy Efficiency Council (EEC) all share the goal of ensuring that energy bills are affordable for homes and businesses. In February 2018 these groups commissioned YouGov Galaxy to survey on the views of Australians on energy policy, with a focus on energy efficiency.
Click here to download the Survey results.
Quick snapshot of some of the results:
- 90 per cent of voters think that it is important or very important that governments help reduce households’ and businesses’ energy bills
- Energy efficiency was the most popular energy policy option:
- 88 per cent of voters support government investment in energy efficiency, and just 5 per cent oppose it, giving a net support of 83 per cent.
- Voters were more divided on whether government should invest in new coal-fired generators, with just 4 per cent net support, and
- More voters opposed than supported reducing incentives for renewable energy and energy storage, with 16 per cent net opposition.
- Voters supported a wide range of specific energy efficiency policies, including:
- 79 per cent support for incentives to upgrade commercial buildings
- 80 per cent support for minimum standards for rental homes to ensure that they are safe, comfortable and have low energy bills, and
- 92 per cent support for upgrading the energy efficiency of public buildings such as schools and hospitals.
Raw data from the survey can be downloaded here.